Fault lines occur under the earth’s surface. They are a break or a fracture between two blocks of rock, and they allow the pieces of rock to move alongside one another. This movement can occur slowly in the form of a creep or quickly in the form of an earthquake.
America has several fault lines, including California’s famous San Andreas fault line. This fault line is considered one of the most dangerous fault lines in the world. Despite this, thousands of people choose to buy property here.
However, before buying a property on a fault line, you need to know some essential things. If you’re thinking of buying property on a fault line, such as the one in California, here are some important things you need to know first:
What Type of Fault Line is the Property On?
There are different types of fault lines in the US. These include normal, reverse, oblique, and strike-slip. Strike-strip fault lines are considered one of the most dangerous. The San Andreas fault is one of these. Knowing which sort of fault line a property lies on can help you decide whether to purchase a property.
How a Fault Line Affects Your Property
Before purchasing a property on a fault line, you must understand what impact fault lines can have on it. Earthquakes can affect the integrity of a property by shaking it off its foundations, causing landslides, and turning soil into liquid. If your house lies directly on a fault line, you are at greater risk of this occurring than living outside this zone.
Whether the Property Has Earthquake Resistant Features
It is essential to research properties that lie on fault lines before you agree to purchase them. One way you can do this is by finding a company that offers seismic analysis services. They will be able to give you a comprehensive analysis of the property’s ability to withstand an earthquake.
You will want to find out what, if any, earthquake-resistant features they have to make them safe. Properties on fault lines should continually be updated so that they have the latest earthquake-resistant technology in case of disaster. Some things to look for include shear walls, cross bracing, and lightweight roofing.
Reselling a Property on a Fault Line
As you can imagine, selling a property on a fault line is much more challenging than selling one that is located outside this zone. Because of this, while it is possible to increase the value of a property on a fault line, the resale value is unlikely to increase by much.
Every once in a while, a fault line shifts and an earthquake occurs in some parts of America. While this might worry some people, it doesn’t seem to put people off buying properties on fault lines. However, if you decide to buy a property on a fault line, there are some essential things you need to know first, including the things we’ve listed above.
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