Would you consider rolling needles all over your face to achieve smoother skin? This is the promise of a new beauty treatment called microneedling Atlanta. But is it safe? How does it work? Read more to learn how it works and its benefits.
What is Microneedling Atlanta?
Microneedling Atlanta, a popular service in Boston for collagen induction therapy, involves the use of fine needles in creating hundreds of invisible, tiny puncture wounds in the top layer of the skin. Although it doesn’t sound appealing, it’s proven to be effective. Microneedling results in micro-injuries, which stimulates your body’s processes in natural wound healing. Because of this, your collagen and elastin production will increase, which helps prevent and reverse the signs of aging. Microneedling is almost the same as lasers, but with microneedling, you’re mechanically injuring the skin instead of using light or heat.
What are the Benefits of Microneedling Atlanta?
The microneedling process usually takes 6 to 8 weeks before you can see the visible signs of skin rejuvenation. Because of this, professionals recommend a series of 3 to 6 treatments to make sure you get the best results. Below are the benefits of Microneedling Atlanta and the reasons why you should try it:
- It reduces fine, deep wrinkles. Microneedling has many benefits, and one of them is its ability to stimulate collagen and elastin growth. This is the key for you to achieve younger-looking skin. It can trigger the generation of new skin cells, which leads to the reduction of deep wrinkles and noticeable fine lines on the forehead. It can also help reduce crow’s feet. What’s really good about this is that you’re sure to get natural results because this process uses your own body’s natural healing mechanisms. In treating wrinkles, you should use a needle that isn’t longer than 1.5mm.
- It helps repair visible scars. Another benefit of microneedling is its ability to reduce visible acne scars. According to a study which focused on the effects of microneedling, almost 100% of all acne-scarred participants said that they noticed an improvement in the visibility of their acne scars. To achieve this, you’ll need to use a 1.5mm handheld roller to improve the appearance of your acne scars.
If you suffer from severe acne scars, you’ll need to use a longer needle to obtain maximum results. Professionals may use 3mm needles that can help in treating deep acne scars – scars that occur beneath your skin’s surface.
Is microneedling better than fractional laser? According to a 2016 journal in dermatologic surgery, both treatments are effective, but microneedling was credited to have lesser downtime and fewer side effects. It was also considered more tolerable compared to fractional laser treatments.
- Skincare products work better with the help of microneedling Atlanta. If you’re using an expensive serum on your face, you should know that 4 to 8 percent of it can penetrate your skin. With the help of microneedling, serum absorption can be improved. According to a study in the European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, this treatment can help in the efficiency of the penetration of topical medications. This allows you to benefit more on any skincare product.
How is this possible? Microneedling can create thousands of invisible holes in your skin. They are ready to absorb skincare products in ways your clogged pores can’t. They serve as little channels which allow topical products to penetrate your skin more effectively.
- It reverses pigmentation and sun damage. Many skin-conscious people use collagen because it’s the best way to improve the look of the skin. The purpose of this isn’t just to reduce wrinkles. Stimulating collagen growth through microneedling therapy can help reverse discoloration and skin damage. It includes the hyperpigmentation which comes with melasma.
According to a study in Brazilian Annals of Dermatology, microneedling has shown potential in treating brownish facial pigmentation. For you to improve extra pigmentation from your sun-damaged skin, you need to use dermaroller needles that range from 1mm to 1.5mm in length. It’s important to use the correct needle length to achieve younger-looking skin.
- It helps in shrinking your pores. Many people fear that microneedling causes their pores to enlarge because it creates invisible holes in their skin. But this isn’t true. This procedure can help pores to appear a lot smaller.
How is this possible? Microneedling stimulates collagen around and even in your pores, and this causes them to appear shrunken and plump, if not completely closed. And who doesn’t want smaller pores? Nobody. If you want to achieve smaller pores, don’t be afraid to try this procedure.
- It helps repair your aging skin. Not only can microneedling correct and smoothen your damaged skin. It can also help tighten older men and women’s loose skin. One thing you need to remember is that your skin starts to produce less collagen as you get older. According to a study in the internal journal of dermatology, microneedling is a modern way to achieve scar remodeling, tightening, and skin rejuvenation. It offers an effective, yet simple procedure for photo-aged skin. According to researchers, it only has minimal downtime and side effects.
- You can do this all over your body. Compared to other skin treatment, microneedling is one you can do to any part of your body that needs repair. It isn’t exclusive to the face. This means that it can include areas which display acne scars and stretch marks. These areas can be your butt, back, chest, and legs.
For you to get the best results, you may need to schedule 4 to 6 sessions of microneedling with your dermatologist.
Should You Try Microneedling Atlanta?
Microneedling Atlanta offers a lot of benefits, and one of them includes rejuvenating the skin by stimulating collagen production. This procedure may have its risks such as bleeding and bruising, but you can never question its effectiveness. Its benefits can outweigh its risks. If you want to try it, make sure you choose a center with licensed and experienced aestheticians.
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