When it comes to treating erectile dysfunction (ED), there are a wide variety of supplements that are available on the market to purchase. But with so many options to choose from, combined with all the natural remedies, the decision regarding which route to take can be quite confusing.
The last thing anyone wants to do is to waste time and money on a product, or a home remedy, that isn’t going to work. So knowing which ED supplements to consider, and which ones to avoid, can help you get the results you’re looking for faster.
But what are the best ED supplements available today? And what are some home remedies you can try to increase your libido levels? If you’re asking yourself these kinds of questions, wonder no longer, because we’re here to help!
In this article, we’ll tell you about 10 ED supplements and home remedies that you should try today, as well as what the main ingredients in those supplements are. That way you can more easily decide which option is right for you!
Now then, let’s get started!
1. L-arginine
L-arginine is an amino acid that you will find in many of the ED supplements on this list. What exactly does it do? Well, the acid helps open up blood vessels and improve blood flow, which can help prevent ED.
And the good news is, you don’t need to get a prescription to get your fair share of l-arginine. You can simply eat eggs, beef, and fish and get a healthy dose of the acid.
2. Vaso Ultra
When it comes to prescription medication to treat ED, Vaso Ultra is one of the most popular choices available today. The pill is loaded with l-arginine, maca root, and Tribulus Terrestris, among other ingredients, all of which help prevent ED.
The medicine is safe and natural and can be conveniently acquired online, which is worth noting.
3. Pomegranate
If you’re looking to stick with natural remedies, you can’t go wrong with eating pomegranates. Pomegranates contain nutrients that help arteries expand, which can help with blood flow and prevent ED.
The best part? Simply drinking pomegranate juice is all you need to do to get these benefits.
4. BlueChew
When it comes to ED supplements, Blue Chew is a new option that is quickly rising in popularity. The process of acquiring the supplement, in particular, is something worth noting.
After filling out some information online, you’ll be prescribed the supplement from a doctor. The folks at BlueChew will then mail it to your home, meaning you’ll never have to visit a doctor to get the supplement.
The two main ingredients, sildenafil and tadalafil are the two main ingredients found in Viagra. Those ingredients increase blood flow, improve libido levels, and can lead to longer-lasting erections.
5. Proper Sleep Schedule
It can’t be understated how important a proper sleep schedule can be for your overall health. Without it, your body won’t have the energy it needs to have a healthy sex life, and can even cause ED.
Also, lack of sleep can lead to you feeling stressed more easily, which can really affect your libido levels. So try to get a good night’s rest every night, if you can, to help improve your overall health.
6. TestoMAX200
Speaking of increasing libido levels, TestoMax200 is an all-natural supplement that can help you do just that. The main ingredient, Tongkat Ali, has been linked to boosting libido, and again, it’s a natural supplement with no noted side effects.
7. Acupuncture
Everyone knows that acupuncture can help reduce stress levels and improve your mood. But believe it or not, acupuncture has also been linked in the past to curing ED and preventing pre-mature ejaculation, too.
Again, it can’t be understated how big of an impact stress can have on your sexual life. So if you feel like you’re more stressed out than normal, and that it may be affecting your sexual life, book an acupuncture appointment today.
8. Vitali-T-Aid
Another natural supplement, Vitali-T-Aid, has been proven to help prevent ED. Vitali-T-Aid is loaded with l-arginine, as well as Panax ginseng, two of the more common ingredients found in male enhancement products.
9. Proper Diet and Excercise
Being unhappy and unhealthy can cause a wide variety of issues in your life. One of them, to no surprise, is your libido levels.
Try your best to ensure your practice healthy lifestyle habits by eating right and working out regularly. You’ll be reducing stress, increasing your libido and energy levels, all things that can help prevent and cure ED.
10. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake
While small amounts of alcohol can actually increase your libido, overdoing it can lead to negative effects, especially in males. Simply decreasing your alcohol intake, and making other healthy lifestyle choices, can help you get the results you’re looking for.
The 10 Best ED Supplements and Home Remedies
Well, there you have it! Those are the 10 best ED supplements and home remedies that are worth trying today!
As you can see, a huge part of curing ED revolves around healthy lifestyle choices. Things like a regular diet, a proper workout routine, and reducing your alcohol intake can go a long way in helping you get the results you’re looking for.
When it comes to supplements and medication, there are a few legit options out there that are worth considering. Anything that contains l-arginine, like Vaso Ultra and Vitali-T-Aid, can help you cure ED and premature ejaculation. Also, BlueChew, a newer product, works well too.
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