Dental and vision insurance are two components of a health insurance package that employees value most. Over 75% of Americans had dental insurance as of 2016, which was an increase of 11% over the number of Americans insured at the end of 2015. The increase was not due to a rise in the number of employers offering dental insurance, but rather because more Americans received dental coverage through Medicaid.
In fact, the number of Americans who had commercial insurance plans increased by less than 7 million in that one year, while the number of Americans who received publicly funded dental care increased by more than 29 million. The statistics for vision care are worse. As of 2014, only 38% of Americans had an optical care plan, yet over 75% of American adults needed vision correction.
Dental Health
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Dental health plans typically cover both preventative care and emergencies. Preventative care includes checkups and teeth cleaning. Other procedures that are typically covered in a dental plan include oral surgery and fillings. Some plans also cover the costs of braces, dentures, and treatment for periodontal disease.
Results of Poor Dental Health
Poor dental hygiene can cause serious health problems. When you take care of your teeth then you reduce the volume of bacteria in your mouth. When you do not have good dental care habits that bacteria can spread throughout your body and cause diseases. Poor dental health has been directly linked to problems during pregnancy and cardiovascular disease.
Good Dental Health Habits
You should brush your teeth twice daily. This is one way to keep the bacteria in your mouth from reaching dangerous levels. It also reduces the amount of sugar and other substances that can cause tooth decay. You also need to ensure that you are brushing for a sufficient length of time and covering all parts of your teeth. Flossing is important because it removes food that is wedged between your teeth. You should also use mouthwash regularly. It helps reduce bacteria and can reduce your chances of developing oral cancer.
Benefits of Good Dental Health
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When you maintain good dental health habits you will have clean teeth. Your breath will smell better. You can prevent cavities, which will reduce the chances that you will need fillings or tooth extractions.
Common Dental Treatments
Many people receive teeth cleanings and have teeth whitening procedures performed. Root canals and gum surgeries are also two common procedures dentists perform. Many people also need fillings, crowns, veneers, braces or dentures at some point during their life.
Vision Health
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Vision health plans typically cover regular checkups. The plan may also cover all or a portion of the cost of corrective eyeglasses. Some plans limit their coverage to new eyeglasses once every two years.
Results of Poor Vision Health
People with poor optical health may need to wear eyeglasses or have surgery. It’s possible for vision issues to affect a person’s ability to read, drive a car and safely perform other tasks. Some individuals will lose most or all of their vision, rendering them blind.
Good Vision Health Habits
A healthy diet is essential for good vision. Vitamins A and C and omega-3 fatty acids are important for your eyes. Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, exposing your eyes to cigarette smoke and consuming saturated fats can all cause eye damage. Sunlight can also damage your eyes so you should wear sunglasses when you are outside. Regular exercise and sleep are important for your eye health, and you should be careful to reduce screen time and keep electronic screens approximately two feet from your eyes. It’s also a good idea to take regular breaks when using computers, tablets, and smartphones.
Benefits Of Good Vision Health
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Good vision health will ensure that you can enjoy your full range of vision for many years. You will be able to read, drive and perform other routine tasks without the need for assistance. Good vision health can also help prevent diseases from developing and prevent the deterioration of your eyes.
Common Vision Treatments
Optometrists assess whether or not you need vision correction and determine your prescription. Optometrists can also determine if there are serious optical diseases developing and reveal some forms of cancer and other diseases, such as diabetes. Other common optical treatments include eye surgery.
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