Let us start with the need to boost one’s libido. Low libido arises from low sexual desire in which either of the partners are not or less than willing to engage in physical intimacy or sexual activities.
In fact, as per a study conducted by the University of Chicago General Social Survey, 23% of adult Americans are not engaging in sexual relationships, in comparison to 9% of the population in 2008.
This is a significant rate and usually, found in between the age bracket of 18-30 year old men. As opposed to men, 18% women claim to have not had sex in the past year.
This speaks a lot about the general health of the population and sheer lack of time or interest that is impacting their libido. However, if one is willing, there are numerous tweaks that a person can make in their daily lives to enhance their sexual desire as well as prowess. Check out how spanish fly can help you spice up your bed routine.
Here are some ways that you can adopt in your daily life to get back on the bandwagon.
1. Stay Active
It is no brainer that being active and engaging in a physical work is good for your overall health. However, did you know that it is a great boost for your libido as well? One tip – go for the intense cardiovascular exercise that will have heart pumping and blood flowing to all parts of your body. With a healthy heart and improved stamina, the zeal for engaging in healthy sex will automatically follow suit.
2. Be Confident
Self-confidence and esteem has a lot to do with deprived sexual needs. It is more of a psychological fact than biological. Many who assume they are not good looking shy away from intimate relationships for fear of embarrassment.
While it is something that you can override with positive thought process and trust in your partner, you can also get your heart pumping with some vigorous workouts and a healthy lifestyle.
A healthy lifestyle improves the quality of life which makes you confident about yourself and approach and will automatically depreciate any negative thoughts that were holding you back from enjoying a healthy sex life. Focus on the good things about sex -the pleasure and the intimacy with your partner.
3. Eat Certain Types of Food
There are several food elements like garlic, bananas and chilli peppers that are natural aphrodisiac and a great way to improve the libido.
Onion and garlic helps improve blood flow, banana reduces blood pressure that makes sex more enjoyable and chillies also encouarage blood flow by reducing hypertension and inflammation. For more information, you can check out myaphrodisiacs.com that offers a complete knowledge of what to eat and do improve your sex life.
How can we forget chocolate? A little bite of this sinful pleasure releases endorphins that relaxes your mind and help improve the sexual desire as well. It also promotes phenylethylamine and serotonin which can further uplift mood levels and help you, just chill.
4. Follow The African Tip
Yohimbine, an alkaloid found in the bark of West African evergreens is known for its properties similar to viagra. Such are the similarities that it is often perceived as the natural Viagra. Certain studies suggest that it can help maintain an erection for long and also enhance the quality. Though scientific studies claim it is no match for Viagra.
5. Overcome Stress
It is basic understanding that stress impacts mental as well as physical health. Stress is a major contributor to low sex drive, reduced libido and disinterest when it comes to physical intimacy. This seems to hit women more as they connect sex with stress. However, in some cases, men use sex to detach themselves from stress.
However, it impacts both partners. This can be cured by engaging in mindful practices like meditation or picking up a hobby that relaxes you. You can choose a soothing music to help you unwind or maybe just have a conversation with your partner which ease your worries and also set the mood for some physical intimacy. You can also take up yoga or Tai-Chi to relieve stress.
6. Clock In The Sleep Time
We understand that our lives are hectic and it impossible to juggle between career, family, relationships, a healthy diet and add to that, a complete 7 hours of sleep. Why do we put sleep at the last? By doing so, we are making ourselves susceptible to low immunity and not to mention, no sexual zeal.
If you are tired, you will not be game for sex and that will adversely hamper your libido, spiriling into a low quality sex life. Boost your energy by taking naps in between and following a healthy diet that will aid in some quality sleep time.
7. How About Relationships?
There is a golden advice for all couples – “Never go to bed angry with ach other”.It is imperative that partners will quarrel and argue. It is possible post an argument, sex would be out of the question which can also lead to lowered sex drive.
In order to avoid the mental as well as physical repercussions, it is best to communicate effectively with your partner and resolve matters that very instant. Communication is important for building trust which will keep resentment at bay and partners closer to each other.
8. Avoid Drugs
In addition to alcohol and cigarettes, drugs like cannabis and marijuana are known to reduce testosterone production which can lead to low libido and lack of sexual desire. Not to mention tobacco can also reduce sperm count, production and movement. These drugs can also lead you exhausted with less or no stamina to engage in a fulfilling sexual activity.
Though these are the tweaks that you can incorporate in your lives, it always a better idea to consult a doctor or sexpert to help you out in case of such dilemmas. The combination of expert opinion and lifestyle changes can prove beneficial for your libido.
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