air quality monitor records poor air quality
As many are spending more and more time at home over the past few years, it has become more important to consider the air quality within indoor spaces. Do you know how to improve indoor air quality within your home? If not, keep reading.
In this guide, we will go over some key tips for improving indoor air quality so that you and your family can stay healthy at home. Indoor air quality can affect your health, allergies, and more. Keep reading our guide to make sure your home has great air quality this year.
Get Rid of Air Pollutants
Is there anything in your home that is causing your indoor air quality to degrade? If so, it’s time to remove them. Main contributors to poor air quality tend to be cleaning supplies, certain paints, or other chemicals which you should simply store in your garage or shed rather than within your home. Pets can also pollute your air so it’s best to keep them clean and healthy for the best results.
Also, ill family members can degree your home’s air quality so it is best to confine them to a certain room or area of the home to keep other members of the household safe and healthy. Opening your windows for ventilation can let some fresh air into your home when the space feels stuffy or you are hoping to get rid of certain pollutants in the indoor air. However, this is not always possible due to weather conditions or seasonal allergens like pollen.
Make the Most Out of Your Thermostate and Fans
If you have an old or outdated thermostat, it may be time to upgrade it. This can not only improve the air quality of your home but can also improve the health and effectiveness of your HVAC system, allowing you to avoid high energy bills from an overworking unit or needing to replace an overworked unit. Try finding a thermostat that offers a circulate option for best results.
These thermostat systems will run your air unit constantly but at reduced speeds so that you can get constantly filtered airflow whereas older systems will only run your indoor fan every half hour or so. While it may sound extreme, running your bathroom fan at all times can also improve your indoor air quality. This works to constantly pull air from your home while bringing in new fresh air to replace it.
You want to make sure that your air ducts are kept clean and uncovered to ensure that you are able to pump this fresh air through your home. Replacing your air filters on a regular basis can help as well. An air purifier like the Hepa purifier is also a great tool for improving indoor air quality.
Tips for Improving Indoor Air Quality
Improving indoor air quality within your home can help to keep you and your family members safe from allergens and more.
Head to the “House” section of our site for related info today.
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