Are you interested in working in the medical field?
Many medical jobs require years of schooling and specialized degrees. But, this isn’t the case for all medical-related careers. In fact, there are a number of medical-related jobs that offer a medical environment without the need for a degree.
These are careers that have a promising future and are bound to be required in years to come. Even as technology progresses, you can rest assured these jobs are here to stay.
If you don’t have the time or money that’s involved in getting a degree, you’re going to want to read this. We’re highlighting the ten most exciting medical jobs that don’t require a degree. From a nursing assistant to a pharmacy technician and secretary, these jobs are high in demand and offer competitive wages.
1. Medical Equipment Repair
With the extent of medical equipment required in hospitals and medical offices, it’s no surprise that equipment repair personnel are required.
While a repair technician specializes in repairs, they are also responsible for installing and maintaining these devices. This helps to ensure that the work is consistent and required on a nearly everyday basis.
2. Nursing Assistant
Under the supervision of a qualified nurse, the nursing assistant will help with general tasks.
The nursing assistant may also be required to help perform routine tasks such as helping with medication, escorting patients to their rooms and procedures, engaging with patient’s needs and reporting to doctors.
3. Medical Secretary
A medical secretary is essential for each and every medical office.
This medical secretary is responsible for the daily management and operation of the entire medical office. These duties include answering phones, scheduling appointments, ordering supplies, writing letters and assisting the medical doctors.
This is a great opportunity to began a career that has a solid future. The medical secretary is often the first face that is seen in a medical office and so it’s incredibly important to have a friendly and high-functioning secretary.
4. Patient-Caregiver
A caregiver may work inside a hospital, hospice or even within the confines of a home.
This person will provide assistance to their patient(s) for a range of daily tasks. This may involve getting up from bed, getting dressed and preparing food and medication. Another significant aspect of this job merely entails providing friendship and support to that patient.
5. Pharmacy Technician
Have you always dreamt of working at a pharmacy?
The good news is that you don’t have to have a medical degree to work at a pharmacy. Today, there are over 400,000 pharmacy technicians operating in America. These technicians work under the supervision of a pharmacist to complete everyday tasks such as:
- Supplying medicine to patients
- Offering advice to patients
- Assemble medication for patients
There’s no denying that a pharmacy technician career offers a high-quality lifestyle. But, if you find yourself wondering how much money does a pharmacy technician make, rest assured that the wages are competitive.
The average pharmacy technician makes over $31,000 each year. Of course, more experience and certifications can further increase this wage!
6. Medical Assitant
A medical assistant will help the medical doctor perform a number of daily tasks.
First, they are often responsible for greeting patients and updating the necessary medical records. They may also be responsible for tasks such as taking blood pressure, administering an IV and assisting the doctor during a procedure.
Often, they may be the first person that a patient in need speaks with upon being admitted to the hospital. This person will then report the necessary information to the official medical doctor and prepare them for the situation.
7. Medical Note-Taker
One aspect of being a medical doctor that is often forgotten is notetaking.
When dealing with a patient, a doctor must write down countless pieces of information that pertain to that patient. This may also be required throughout surgeries and during any inspections.
Many doctors will actually employ a medical note-taker to write these notes for them. This requires the individual to operate on an efficient basis while preparing notes that are clean and detailed.
8. Mental Health Aide
A mental health aide helps to care for patients that are suffering from mental disorders.
This may entail working in the psychiatric ward of the hospital and helping patients with everyday tasks such as getting dressed and attending their required meetings.
Another important aspect of this career is to monitor the behavior of patients and report anything unusual to the medical doctors.
9. Medical Blogger
If you have experience working in the medical field, why not use this experience to formulate a blog?
As we continue into the digital age, blogging has become an increasingly popular career choice. Not only is it a means of pursuing a passion for writing, but it also has the ability to become an incredibly profitable career. In fact, 66 percent of professional bloggers report that blogging has become their full-time job.
Some medical professionals may even hire freelance writers with medical experience to curate blog posts for them.
10. Medical Invoicer
Of course, paying for your medical services is one reality of the American healthcare system.
A medical invoicer is responsible for sending out invoices to individuals based on all of their services rendered. This will also entail working through insurance claims and reimbursements.
This career offers steady working hours as well as a promising career well into the future.
Career Highlights: Medical Jobs That Don’t Require a Degree
If you’ve been searching for an enjoyable career in the medical field, medical school isn’t the only option. In fact, there are countless medical jobs that don’t require a degree.
In establishing a career directly after high school, no time is wasted, and you can look forward to earning money right away. As you continue in your career, you have the option of building networks and gaining certificates to help advance your position.
The truth is, a career in the medical field is always going to be in demand. In addition to medical doctors, positions such as medical assistants, caregivers, and mental health aides will continue to grow in demand.
Are you looking to advance your career even further? If so, begin by reading our advice on becoming a super boss!
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