Chihuahua is known to be the tiniest dog breed in the world and has an approximate life expectancy of 12 to 20 years. It is known to have a short-haired smooth coat and usually has a height of between 15 to 23cm. These dogs typically have a weight of 1.5 to 3 kg and are known to be extremely devoted to their owners. Their usual qualities include alertness, courageousness and they are known to be very lively and quick by nature. They are known to be extremely good with children. This dog originated in Mexico and is named after a state in Mexico, which is also called Chihuahua.
There are two different types of Chihuahuas available. One comes with a smooth short coat, and the other comes with a long coat. There is not much difference in temperament in both these distinguished types, and this breed requires very minimal grooming and maintenance. These dogs have a cute round face with small pointed ears, which are usually always erect and round dramatic eyes, and they are very friendly with children. These dogs mostly come in golden, black, and white colors and do not have many patterns on their bodies. Sometimes they are also found in chocolate brown, red color, or even mixed colors.
Training a Chihuahua
Usually, training this breed is not very difficult, and the trainers have a really good time training these beautiful, friendly animals. Since they are known to be the smallest breed in the world, they are perfectly pocket-sized and are known to be a super fun company, and often do not require extremely strict training. However, this breed can easily be trained in advanced levels so that they can perform brilliant tricks and activities. Chihuahua trainers usually train them to teach them proper behavioral patterns, toilet training, tricks, and command obedience training. Interviews by most of the trainers come with different kinds of opinions and feedback about this breed. Some say they are very easy to train, whereas others claim that it is difficult to make them obey commands.
Do trainers face a difficult time training Chihuahuas?
Most of the Chihuahua trainers claim that this breed of dogs has a terrier-like temperament. Often it is also observed that dogs of this breed have very competitive and combative personalities and are not afraid of barking as loudly as possible for different reasons. Often these trainers face a tough time training these dogs to stop barking unnecessarily. However, it is not impossible to control these habits, and a good trainer can solve these problems with proper care and ease.
Positive Reinforcement as a training method
Positive reinforcement is a very useful and essential training method for any dog breeds, and it has been no different in the case of Chihuahuas as well. This technique basically involves giving rewards every time the dog obeys a command or does something right. This is a very positive training method that keeps the dog in a happy and good mood and does not make it tired and aggressive. Trainers often use this method to encourage and teach positive behaviors to the dogs. The main aim of this training is to encourage the dogs to repeat behaviors that they know might earn them good rewards or affection. In this manner, dogs will quickly adapt to the training and will get into the habit of performing those tasks. Rewards used in this process of training might include food, special treats, playing with exciting toys, praise, or simple acts of affection, among others.
Chihuahua Trainers
Many good companies offer services on pet training specializing in dogs. It isn’t easy to find companies that provide services specifically for the Chihuahua breed, but most of the companies offer their services for all breeds of dogs, including trainers who specialize in training dogs from the Chihuahua breed. One can find such companies providing excellent services in the Somerset area.
These companies offer a lot of interesting pet-related services, which include dog training, services for improving dog behavior, a canine coach, a clicker trainer, and also a dog walker. They also provide services to help reduce aggression in dogs or overcome anxiety issues in dogs. There are also good trainers found in Florida who offer similar kinds of services. Many of these companies claim to have specialized trainers who can easily train the Chihuahua breed. Most of these companies have really experienced trainers who are capable of taking proper care of the dogs and train them with ease and comfort.
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