As COVID-19 continues to ravage the country and the world, tough economic conditions have become a reality for many. The pandemic ended 113 months of job growth, while tens of millions of Americans lost their jobs.
One solution that many have found is to change their shopping strategies. Stores like Walmart provide customers with a plethora of ways to save money, although few take advantage of them. So what do you need to know?
Keep reading to learn about some of the best Walmart deals you can take advantage of with minimal effort.
Pay Attention to Markdowns
Many people know about Walmart’s mythical markdown system, but few people understand how it actually works. There is a method to the madness.
If the end of a price has a “7”, then what you’re seeing is the original price of an item. A “5” represents the first, initial markdown, while a “1” or “0” means that the item is at its final markdown price.
For example, you might find a toaster for $39.97. When you see that final “7”, you know that the price is the original one and that it might be a good idea to wait to buy it. If you see it marked at $29.95 or $19.91, then you know you’re saving money.
Check Online Prices
Walmart is one of the many stores that match its in-store prices with those on the web. If you’re paying a lot for an item, make sure to do a quick check on the Walmart website to make sure that the price is the same.
Although in most cases, the price will be the same, checking is easy to do and can save you money. If you do find a discrepancy, show an employee and that will bring down the price to match the one found on the website.
Buy Day-Old Baked Goods
Most people won’t notice the difference between a fresh piece of bread and one that’s a day old. Your wallet will, however, and you’ll end up paying more for the fresher variety.
Walmart offers discounts on its older bakery items, so make sure to browse through that section. Odds are that you won’t notice any difference in texture or taste, but the price can be as low as $1 for some perfectly fine baked goods.
Just make sure to check the expiration date before you check out. A day-old muffin is fine, but you might not enjoy a muffin that’s been there for a week quite as much.
Scour the Web for Coupons
Couponing is a form of art that is lost on many people. If you’re not ready to throw yourself into it just yet, consider dipping your toes by downloading coupons from popular sites.
Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Pampers, and Tablespoon are all sites where you can find some great coupons for items that you will actually use. No more getting coupons for bags or cans of food that do nothing else besides take up space in your cabinet.
You can also try using a Walmart UPC lookup tool. All you have to do is enter your zip code and SKU or UPC. You can then find out whether or not your local Walmart has the product, which saves you from having to ship it to your house.
Don’t Automatically Buy Generic
Most people know the general buying rule that going generic can often save you money. However, don’t make that an automatic habit, as there are exceptions to the rule.
Many brand name products often go on sale, but few, if any, generic versions enjoy the same discounts. Before buying, check to make sure that there isn’t a promotion or sale running for the brand name. If there isn’t, then you can feel free to go generic.
Buy in Bulk
Buying in bulk is one of the best ways to cut down on costs. Although the higher price point might turn you off, remember that you’re saving money in the long run.
Manufacturers spend less money when they sell larger quantities of items. They don’t have to pay as much for risk, wastage, and labor costs. This manifests into savings that you get to take advantage of.
Of course, it makes more sense to buy larger quantities of some products than others. While stocking up on toilet paper is smart (especially in 2020) and can help you save money, it doesn’t make sense to buy 20 loaves of bread only to have half of them go bad.
Choose Pickup Instead of Delivery
If shopping online is your thing, resist the urge to ship items to your house. While convenient, having them delivered to your door can be expensive on account of the additional shipping costs.
Instead, consider choosing the pickup option. This expedites your shopping process by having your items ready to go, helps you avoid contact with crowds of people, and helps you keep the prices as low as possible.
Sometimes, Walmart and other stores also offer a special discount for picking up your items. Next time you’re browsing the website, keep your eyes peeled for items that say “pickup discount eligible”.
Get the Best Walmart Deals
If 2020 has hit your finances hard, don’t worry. You’re not alone, and there are plenty of easy things you can do to save money. If you’re a Walmart shopper, make sure to take advantage of some of the Walmart deals mentioned in this guide.
Your bank account will thank you!
Do you now have a better idea of how to find the best discounts at Walmart? If you do, make sure to check out some of our other blog posts for more ways to save money.
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