One of the smartest things you can do before you travel is to exchange your currency before you go. Not only will this save you time when you are abroad, giving you a chance to enjoy your trip, but it will also help you save money. In addition, you will have the local currency on hand when your plane lands, enabling you to travel freely right away. Here is a few different ways to exchange your currency before you travel.
Visit Your Local Bank
Your local bank or credit union will be able to help you get currency anywhere in the world. Any bank can help! While many banks will have cash on hand in all forms of currency, they can always order the money for you as well. The cash will be delivered to the bank where you can pick it up before your trip. In addition to being easy, it may also be cheaper to exchange the cash at your own bank as they may waive fees associated with currency exchange.
Order Online
There are many websites available online where you can compare exchange rates, in the comfort of your own home. When you find one that offers exactly what you need, you will be directed to a bank where you can place your currency order. You can either setup a travel card or have the money sent right to your bank account. You can also decide to go into the branch or vendor to exchange foreign currency to have some cash on hand before you travel.
Post Office
Your local post office will be able to help you exchange your money and will also have very low, government interest rates. You can either go on the website for your government post office or go in person to order your cash. The Post office won’t usually have foreign currency on hand so they will have to order in for you. Keep this in mind as it may take a few days before you are able to pick up the cash for your trip.
Find a Card
While it may not be a real form of cash, applying for a credit card or a travel card before you travel is also a great idea. Many credit cards waive foreign exchange fees and will also offer an introductory interest-free period. This can be a great deal for traveling abroad as you can use your card as needed, avoid paying any interest fees that other card charges. Look into the best global travel card and apply a few weeks before you leave on your trip. While this is a good option, it is still a good idea to get a little cash to have on hand when you are abroad.
The clear thing here is that you should definitely convert some cash before you travel. Compare the exchange rates before you go, to save time, money and to enjoy your trip more!
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