As a nation, we’re all being encouraged to reduce our carbon footprint and do our bit towards improving the environment. Whether it’s through simple changes within your home, or maybe you’re a business owner who wants to better your company’s carbon footprint; there are many ways in which you can do so.
Creating a more eco-friendly business is something all entrepreneurs should aim for, not only because it will benefit the environment, but it could save you large amounts of money as well. With many places of work having a large number of electrical appliances being used throughout the working day; have you ever wondered which of these uses the most energy?
Across the country offices, in particular, are spending millions of pounds each year on wasted energy. In most cases, this is because appliances are in use for a long period of time during the day and aren’t switched off when not in use. From computers to desk fans, we want to make you aware of how much energy is being used on average and the amount it is costing you annually. As well as this, we also want to share a number of ways in which you can lower the amount of energy your office equipment is using, which will benefit you in the long run.
What appliances use the most energy in your office?
Many office debates are often had due to the room temperature, often leading to the air conditioning being frequently used. For this reason, air conditioning tops the list for the amount of energy being used, with around 4,000w being emitted each year. In terms of the financial impact, on average air conditioning costs companies around £1,460 annually; which is a surprising discovery.
It’s not just the use of air conditioning that has a damaging impact on the amount of energy businesses use. Servers and projectors are also at the high end of the scale, with servers using around 1,000w each year and projectors when in use, amounting to around 300w. Both of these combined add around a further £1,200 towards energy costs. This number dramatically multiplies the more employees you have in your company.
How can the amount of energy offices use be reduced?
The most obvious place to start reducing energy usage is making sure all appliances are switched off when not in use; especially overnight and over weekends. As well as this, appliances which are outdated can play a huge part in using large amounts of energy, so make sure you have all equipment updated. Finally, you may want to consider investing in smart devices so you can turn appliances off and on remotely.
It’s surprising to see how much energy office appliances really do use and how they can impact your business financially. By following the steps we’ve mentioned, you can reduce the amount of energy your business uses and help reduce your carbon footprint.
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