There are many scarce resources on earth. Some of which require that you have a lot of money before having possession of them.
But one scarce resource that money can’t buy is your time. The sad thing, however, is that this time is often wasted and cannot be gotten back.
This is the reason why everyone must have a planned routine for achieving their success. However, this has proven difficult for many people. But one person that has been successful with utilizing his time is Jacques Poujade.
Jacques Poujade is a financial guru and mortgage expert with a lot of industry expertise in real estate. In this post, he tells us how he uses his morning routine to set up his day for success.
I plan my morning ahead: Yes, you might think this is too forward, but you can never speak down on the effectiveness of preparation. So, for me, who wants to utilize my morning, I plan things ahead.
Because I encounter my first experience for the day in the morning, I ensure that all my positive energy is devoted to making things go the right way.
I plan my day’s activities in the morning: This is important for me. My day is actually filled with activities that are seeking my attention.
Planning which activities come first is what I do during this time. It was during one of these mornings that I wrote my opinion on three indicators of a strong real estate market in today’s economy.
I review my goals and achievements: I also use my morning to review my long-term goals and relish in how far I have come. This is important to me, because I still crave to achieve more in my career.
Success means a lot to me, and I don’t intend to leave it to chance. This is why I utilize my morning routine to set up my day for success.
I do industry research and follow the news: As someone interested in achieving more, I know information is power. This is why I use my morning to gather as much information as I can.
Here, I do my research to know what’s the trend in the industry and follow the news. This way, I am more equipped to give my own opinion in the industry.
Through this self-development routine, I have been able to create solutions to problems that people are facing. I have also advised on key things in the industry. One of which is 3 unique ways you can improve your credit to qualify for your first mortgage.
I take time to exercise and get ready for the day: I also understand that I can only achieve all I have planned in good health. This Is why I always make time to stay fit.
One of my morning routines is to ensure that I stretch my muscles and stay fit for the day. I run a tight schedule, and I need the strength to keep up with the tight schedule.
I get some motivation for the day; Though I like to think that I have the strength to take up my daily tasks, one thing that I have always found useful is some motivation for the day.
This helps me stay focused and achieve the success I have desired.
Related Reading: CEO’s 5 Morning Habits For Success
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