The fastest way to destroy your health is to live in a chronic state of stress. People stress about almost everything, but the most common source of stress is money.
Around 72 percent of Americans are stressed about money or worried about money at some point in the last month. If you’re looking for ways to improve your quality of life, it’s time to get a grip on your money habits.
Save time and money by following these simple strategies.
Take Charge Now
It’s so tempting to believe you are at the mercy of money. After all, it’s you who give up your time and devote all your energy each day toward making money. You don’t have dollar bills auditioning each day for a place in your pocketbook.
But you’ll need to end this idea of your relationship with money in order to take control of your finances. Money is not the boss of you.
It’s not the object of your affection. Money is your means. It’s the gas in your car that helps you get from where you are to where you want to be.
Take this approach to money when setting your goals. It helps to refocus your energy from getting more money to getting closer to your goals.
Just like there’s more than one way to get to a place in your city than simply driving a car, there’s more than one way to accomplish your goals. Stop making money the boss of your lifestyle and turn instead to the value you’re looking for money to create.
You’ll end up more creative in how you solve problems instead of panicking each time your money gets low.
Give Your Money a Job
What do you do when your money gets low? Most people immediately think of ways they can work to earn more money.
But what if there was a way to send your money to work in your place? This is the basis of investing.
Instead of spending all your time chasing side jobs, you allow your money to go out and work for you 24/7. It’s an amazing strategy to save time and money because it requires very little of your time.
You can always scale an investment up or down to meet the needs of the situation. More money to invest means a larger return, or more income.
Less money to invest means a lower return. The advantage of finding smaller investments is that it allows you to start the process sooner.
You can find ways to invest $50 that produce the same income as going to work for three hours. The challenge is taking the time to change your ideas about money.
If it’s your boss, you wouldn’t dare consider sending it to work for you because its too important to do the dirty work. Change your thinking and watch your circumstances change.
You’ll be able to invest with less emotion and more strategy.
Partner Up
Changing your ideas about money is easier said than done. Unless you’ve got a good support system around you, you’ll be tempted to panic at the first sight of your bank account balance getting low.
Partner with other investors who think like you. Ask their advice on money issues.
Observe how creatively they solve problems around money. This opens up your perspective on how to save time and money.
At the end of the day, you’re looking for ways to be creative with the resources you have. Other investors, whether more successful or just starting out, are pushing toward the same goal.
Use them as a resource to source better investment deals or add to your pool of money when you want to pursue bigger things. Alone you can go faster, but together you can go farther.
Take your time building relationships and trust with other investors so you can go farther financially.
Protect Your Values
It’s easy to get caught up in the money theories of family and friends. Get rich quick schemes are everywhere and there’s a good chance the next one you find will be brought to you by someone you love.
Don’t allow your relationship with a loved one to dictate your relationship with your money. These are two very distinct relationships that require separate rules.
Money works for you. It does your bidding so that you can accomplish your life goals easier.
Your relationship with family and friends is much deeper. It’s built upon the time you spend nurturing your bond. YOu can nurture your relationship completely absent of money.
Get rid of any friends that seem to think otherwise. If you’re constantly being asked to use money as a sign of your support for the relationship, take a step back.
This isn’t the kind of relationship you want when you’re trying to save time and money. It’s emotionally manipulative and can be toxic toward your financial wellness.
Don’t Shop When Hungry
The best time to make money goals is when you have money in the bank. Playing out lofty fantasies in your head when you’re broke can make you feel inadequate.
Feeling insecure is an easy way to fall into money traps like get-rich-quick or multi-level marketing schemes. The despair isn’t real and can easily be changed with time. Avoid making any major decisions about money when you’re feeling totally broke.
You’ll overindulge to try and compensate for feelings of lack. Wait until you have healthy ideas about money before you start getting into investments or setting long term goals.
Save Time and Money With Friends
It’s so much easier to lose weight when you have a friend to workout with. The same goes for becoming financially fit.
Once you find a supportive group of friends or partners, you’ll have an easier time reaching your goal to save time and money. Take your time shopping through investments.
When your ideas about money improve, the best step to take with your investments will seem like a no brainer. For more information and tips, visit our blog for updates.
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