Life happens fast. Sometimes, it throws things at us when we’re the least prepared to handle it.
One day, you may be coming home like any other workday and walk in to find out that your house has been broken into.
With life hits you like that, it’s comforting to know that you’re covered by insurance.
Finding the right insurance carrier has never been easier, thanks to the introduction of technology. What used to be a process of several weeks between meetings with different agents has become only a few hours of searching rates online.
Here are the 5 things you should keep an eye out for as you comb through to find the best insurance company.
1. Ratings
These days you don’t even go to a nearby restaurant without first checking the ratings online to see what the general consensus is of their service.
Why would you not do the same for a company that will be providing you protection in what would be your biggest time of need?
Companies are judged by the packages they offer, their ability to back it up, and the reputation they hold for customer service (good or bad). Those ratings will give you a firm indication of whether or not they can be trusted.
Think about it: if you were to have a life-altering event happen to you, the insurance would be the last thing you’d want to worry about.
To lessen your burden, the insurance carrier needs to stand by their claims of financial protection and do so in a timely manner. With everything else going on, waiting for insurance to provide is not something you should have to go through.
Do the homework now to save yourself from regretting it down the line.
Just a few hours or days of researching different companies and processing the information that you find can help you make an educated decision on which is the right fit.
Start your search with these insurance companies for the top-rated home insurance companies.
2. Check the Details
It’s important to note that shopping around for quality insurance doesn’t just mean finding the lowest price available.
If you’re looking to find an insurance rate below a certain amount, you’ll almost certainly find it, but it will be missing a few key coverage details in order to lower the price.
The phrase “finding the best coverage” means that you’ve found a policy that covers everything you need it to cover at an affordable rate.
Remember, the only reason you’re shopping for insurance in the first place is as a preventative measure to protect yourself in times of loss. That low monthly rate will not seem worth it once you find out they only cover 10% of your losses.
3. Customer Reviews
You may be wondering “if I’ve already checked the professional ratings, what’s the use in checking customer reviews?”
As spot-on as the professional ratings tend to be, they don’t have the experience of being an average customer with the company itself. The only people that can claim to that are, well, the customers.
While you should always take customer reviews with a grain of salt, there are some important takeaways to be had from them.
Are the reviews generally positive? Are there a few examples/stories provided by the customers?
People these days can find something wrong with anything, so don’t let a few bad reviews on an otherwise outstanding rating scare you off. But definitely take them all into consideration.
4. Discounts
Did you know that most insurance companies will offer discounts to those of the clients that hold more than one policy with them?
For example, if you already have auto insurance through XYZ Company, they may offer a discount for you on the home insurance you’re now shopping for. Because of that, they should be your first call to see what they can do.
However, don’t ever take the first offer. Continue to shop around with that discount in mind.
Don’t just bundle your policies (have them all with one company) for the convenience you think it provides you. Always check the internet for different coverages and rates that a company offers over your current company.
5. The Experience
Sure, certain companies can grant you an easier buying process via the internet than others… but is that really important in the grand scheme of things?
Don’t just limit yourself to the big companies that you can buy from on their site just because you think it’s life-hacking. It’s not.
Does it help you at all, in a time of loss, to have had your buying process be a quick transaction? Not at all. Especially if that company can’t offer the same coverage as one that would’ve required an in-person meeting to lock things up.
This doesn’t mean there aren’t quality policies that offer a quick buying process. Be sure to let your research do the talking for you, and don’t be afraid to ask for a lower rate and/or more coverage at a certain price point.
Find the Perfect Insurance Carrier for Your Needs
Whether you’re buying coverage for your car, house, or the business that you own, find the right insurance carrier is a vital piece to the process.
Be sure to check back with My Zeo frequently for all the latest tips and tricks on health, fitness, and life.
Good luck with finding the right insurance company. Remember, what may seem like a tedious process now will help you tremendously if something were to happen down the line!
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