The American wedding industry makes about 60 million dollars a year. This means there is no cap to how much a person can spend on their wedding. But that’s other people, not you.
You understand the need to use restraint when planning a wedding. You don’t want to enter a marriage with crippling debt caused by a single celebration.
Planning a wedding tips can be found anywhere, but planning a wedding on a small budget tips may be harder to find. These essential wedding planning tips may not give you step-by-step instructions. However, they will give you the right mindset necessary for a responsible but personalized wedding.
Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help
The first of our tips for planning a wedding is that as you begin, don’t be shy asking family and friends for help. Depending on what kind of wedding you plan on having, help could look like advice during the planning phase or physical help with decorations, food, and/or flowers.
Don’t be afraid, but also don’t be a Bridezilla. Don’t take help for granted or as something to which you are entitled. Whatever help you receive, show your gratitude and graciousness despite situations that may arise.
Don’t Get Swept Away (On Every Detail)
During the wedding planning process, it’s easy to fall in love with dresses, cakes, or arrangements that are way beyond your budget.
It’s ok to splurge on one or two areas of your budget if you’re willing to cut back on other areas. For example, if you have to have that expensive photographer, adjust your reception catering, centerpieces, or venue budget.
Don’t forget the smaller, but just as important expenses, like finding men’s and women’s wedding rings. Even though they won’t be on display like the cake or an arbor, those wedding bands are your symbol of love to one another and shouldn’t be chosen hastily or cheaply.
Remember What’s Important
Yes, a wedding is important, and not something that you can slap together (well). As you stress and fret over money and colors, our best wedding planning advice is to remember the important things.
You’re marrying your best friend and the love of your life. As your guests head home, they won’t remember the pearls that fell out of your bouquet or whether the reception centerpieces were uniform.
Odds are, at the end of the day, you won’t care about those details either. You’ll be too focused on beginning a new, exciting adventure.
Planning a Wedding Tips to Save Your Money and Sanity
When you follow these planning a wedding tips, you will save yourself money and your sanity. Life (and adulting) is hard enough without undue pressure and stress on a single day. Take a breath, get out some paper, and start writing out your wedding planning timeline. You’ve got this.
For more financial help, check out our Money archives.
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