Many people despise the fact that their working on someone else’s time. They’re doing a huge share of the work and getting only a fraction of the pay.
That’s the reality of work for many Americans, and the truth is that you don’t have to live that way forever. You have the potential to become your own boss, and we’re here to tell you why you should.
We’re going to explore 7 reasons to become your own boss in this article, giving you some ideas as to why you should ditch the 9 to 5 and live life on your own terms.
Let’s get started.
7 Reasons to Become Your Own Boss
Now, before you call into work and quit your job, make sure that you’re on your feet enough financially to get started. Becoming your own boss requires a little time and money if you want to be successful.
You could also consider transitioning out of normal work while you’re transitioning into life on your own terms. There are a million ways to do it, and some people thrive on necessity. If you’re that kind of person, you might need to throw yourself into the water and see if you can swim.
That said, let’s see why it’s a great idea to see if you have what it takes.
1. There is Always Risk
You might be worried that working for yourself is too risky to do right now. It’s important to be cautious in some instances, but know that there will always be a million reasons not to do something.
Working for your current job is risky. It’s risky in the sense that you could never leave and explore your dreams. It’s risky because your boss could find a reason to fire you and leave you without a job anyway.
Mostly it’s risky because you should be doing something that makes you happy. Putting your lasting happiness on the line in the name of comfort isn’t something that anyone would want to be written on their gravestone.
2. Your Priorities Come First
One of the hardest parts about working for a large company or business is that they often have little-to-no regard for their employees’ personal lives.
Things like child care, medical appointments, personal relationships, and personal needs all come second to your scheduled shifts. In that sense, the company holds your employment over you despite your very real human needs.
That’s no way to live, and you should have the freedom to take care of your own needs before you clock in to earn someone else money. Working for yourself allows you to weigh the pros and cons of your personal life and your work life, then make decisions to take care of what you think is best.
3. There are Options for You
You may think that you’re not qualified to work for yourself or that there aren’t enough opportunities for you to actually make a living. This belief is inherently untrue.
The internet has blasted open thousands and thousands of opportunities for individuals to work on their own time. We recommend getting out there, researching different ways that people work for themselves, and see if you would like to do any of them.
There are a lot of options in a vast number of fields that allow you to work from home, whenever you want, so long as you have internet access. Additionally, you have what it takes to start your own business or market your craft if you want to.
It’s possible.
4. Improve Upon Your Story
We all have some kind of narrative about ourselves in our heads. The unfortunate thing is that those stories often have the interesting parts occurring sometime in the future.
If you look back on any American dream story, you’ll find that someone had to make a decision to do what was best for them. Those decisions are often difficult and frightening.
What’s more frightening than failure, though, is regret. Look at your life’s grand scheme and see if the current trajectory you’re on is one that you’d be happy with at the end of your life.
If not, that means it’s time to take the leap and work for yourself.
5. You Reap the Benefits
There’s a lot of talk about wealth inequality in the United States right now. It seems a little strange that millions of people work long, hard hours and a few people make more than those millions of people combined.
Exit the cycle and become your own boss. When you’re running things, you take all of the profits to use how you like. Sure, you take on the extra responsibility, but you’re free to use that responsibility however you like.
You’re in charge of the decisions, and you reap all of the rewards from the good decisions you make.
6. Self Expression
Using an opportunity to explore your personality and express yourself is something that a lot of people never get the chance to do.
If you don’t take steps to find and express yourself, though, you’ll never experience those finer points of your personality. Alternatively, working for a business that controls you effectively turns your personality from 9-5 into the personality of that business.
That’s another thing that doesn’t look so good on the ol’ gravestone.
7. What’s Holding You Back?
If you’ve been debating whether to become your own boss for a while now, ask yourself what’s holding you back?
You may have the responsibility of a child or a dependent that’s keeping you tied to a regular job. In that case, your decision is a little more complex and it’s important to take on those responsibilities.
If you don’t have anything obvious holding you back, though, it’s probably just fear. Fear can be conquered, and you can be the one who conquers it.
Get out there and make your dreams come true!
Need Some More Inspiration?
It can be pretty tough to take the risk to get out there and be your own boss. We’re here to help, though.
Explore our site for more tips and tricks to get to the place you want to be.
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