Are you interested in learning poker? Maybe your friends want to form a weekly poker game, and you want to join but don’t know how to play? Perhaps your game has gone stale, and you want to learn a new one?
Playing poker with friends or at parties can be fun. You can even take home some extra cash while you’re at it.
Poker has been around for centuries and if you’re interested in learning about different types of poker games, keep reading below.
Texas Hold’em
Texas Hold’em is the most common type of poker game. It’s easy to learn and pretty straightforward.
And if you ever dreamed of becoming a professional poker player and sitting at the table of the World Series of Poker, or you want to play at a Crypto Casino, you need to learn No-Limit Texas Hold’em.
Many friendly poker games and even some professional ones will limit the amount you can bet per hand. But with No-Limit Texas Hold’em, you can bet as much as you want until everyone calls:
How to Play?
The first two players to the dealer’s left make bets called “blinds.” After that, two cards are dealt face down. The third player from the dealer then either calls, raises, or folds.
After everyone chooses, three “flop” cards are dealt face-up, which each player uses. Players either call, bet, or fold again.
Then a “flop” card is dealt, and the same happens until the final “river” card is dealt, the winner is declared and takes the pot.
Many people choose to play a modified version of Texas Hold’em when playing at home with friends. It skews the rules a bit to make it simpler and even easier than the regular game of Hold’em.
7 Card Stud
7 Card Stud used to be the go-to poker game before Texas Hold’em took over. You can still find tournaments where 7 Card Stud is played, but you won’t typically find an amateur game at parties anymore:
How to Play?
Every player puts in an ante which is set before the game starts. Three cards are dealt for each player with one card face up. The player with the lowest card showing makes the first bet.
After the first round of betting, all remaining players get another card face up. Whoever has the best “showing” hand starts the next betting round.
Then “Fifth Street” and “Sixth Street” come out, and two more betting rounds ensue. “Seventh Street” is dealt face down.
Players make the best five-card hand out of their seven and make final bets flipping their cards to see the winner.
5 Card Draw
5 Card Draw is maybe the simplest type of poker game. Each player gets dealt five cards face down. The cards are turned one by one, making a bet for each flip. The best hand takes the pot.
Different Types of Poker Games
There are so many different types of poker games out there, this list only scratches the surface. However, all three of these games are entertaining, exciting, and excruciating if the pots get big enough.
Whether you want to play with friends at a party, host a weekly poker night, or try your hand at a tournament, these games are an excellent place to start.
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