One of the most important steps in finding a finance career is having an outstanding resume. But with so many other jobseekers out there, it may seem impossible to stand out in a pile of applications. However, your resume can be distinct if you follow a few tips. Here’s how to craft a winning resume for finance employment opportunities.
Match Keywords
Gone are the days of hiring managers sifting through every single resume they get. Most companies and finance recruiters Los Angeles offers filter through resumes with computer programs. These programs are designed to find resumes that contain specific keywords.
To use the right keywords in your resume, pay close attention to each job description and tweak your resume with some action verbs and words that stick out. For example, a job posting may include words such as “sales forecasting” or “financial compliance.” The more keywords you have in your resume, the better chance you have of getting considered.
Be Detailed
One of the biggest resume mistakes you could make is not being specific enough. Go into the specifics of your job duties. For example, if you were in a management position, how many workers did you supervise? If you’ve reconciled accounts, put exactly what types of accounts they were and how many you managed.
Include Soft Skills
Employers care about more than just qualifications. They want someone who has the right soft skills to thrive in their company culture. Are you social media savvy? Do you have business acumen? Are your public speaking skills noteworthy? Don’t shy away from including some of these in your “Skills” section. It’ll make you be noticeable from the other candidates who don’t possess the same traits.
Another way to get ahead of the pack is by going through a recruiting agency. Learn how Beacon Resources can connect you with top employers in Los Angeles.
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