Many people cannot quite tell the difference between pipe smoking and vaping. However, other than the smoke, there are many significant differences between the two. Sometimes people refer to the vapor from vaping as smoke.
If you don’t understand the difference between the two, don’t worry because I am going to take you through an in-depth guide on the differences.
What is a Vaping Device?
First off, vaping devices, otherwise known as electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes, do not involve burning any substance and do not contain any tobacco. E-cigarettes, in this case, are topped up with a liquid that may, at times, contain traces of nicotine.
Most vaping devices, for instance, those found on Epuffer, are powered using batteries and consist of other various parts. To start with, at the heart of the invention is an atomizer which heats up to vaporize the liquid. Next, there is a storage tank for the liquid and a wick that flows the liquid from the storage tank right to the atomizer. You’ll also find an air intake slot that allows air into the atomizer. The final part is the mouthpiece.
Smoking Pipes
Tobacco pipes, otherwise simply known as pipes, are designed for smoking tobacco. They are comprised of three parts namely; the chamber, stem or shank, and the mouthpiece. The tobacco or any other smokable substance is usually placed in the chamber and lit. The user then sucks on the mouthpiece, drawing up smoke from the combusting content in the chamber through the stem.
Pipes are made out of different materials with wood, clay and ceramic being the most common. In addition, it comes with a pipe tool for packing and emptying the pipe. Besides that, there is also a pipe cleaner.
Difference Between Vapor and Smoke
Both vapor and smoke look similar, which can make it very confusing for regular folk to distinguish between vaping and pipe smoking. However, they have a lot of significant differences which can actually set them entirely apart.
Smoke is mainly a product of combustion. On the other side of things, the vapor is a result of heating liquid substances at a temperature slightly below its boiling point.
Chemicals Contained in Vapor
Most elements found in the vapor are the same as those in the liquid. These chemicals include; nicotine -for those liquids laced with nicotine, vegetable glycerin, and food coloring. Vapor is synonymous with a pleasant smell due to the food coloring substances present. Also, it doesn’t linger for as much time in the air.
Chemicals Contained in Smoke
Herein, we will take a look at some of the substances contained in tobacco, based on scientific findings, which are the most commonly smoked substances. The substances include, but are not limited to, methanol, ammonia, nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, and arsenic.
Additionally, smoke from tobacco also contains traces of tar. Almost all chemicals from tobacco are dangerous and have adverse side effects both on primary and secondary smokers.
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