The Hydrangea Plant has a uniquely beautiful bloom that enhances any garden or landscaped area. Each stem has a flower head that resembles a pom-pom on these beautiful plants. The round bundles of blossoms include smaller, more ordinary-looking flowers at the center with more abundant showy blooms encircling them for a theatrical effect. Depending on the variety one selects, the leaves can be evergreen or seasonal.
Varieties that keep their deep green leaves throughout the year can add color to an otherwise empty garden once the summer growing season has come to an end. White flowers are the most commonly found hue of the Hydrangea blossom, but pink, red, dark purple, and light purple do exist. The acidity of the soil often determines the specific color and vividness of each blossom.
These plants prefer a fertile and porous, moist soil with adequate drainage for the best results. Compost will further enhance the growth of a Hydrangea. They can tolerate hardy zones 3 through 8, and gardeners love the Hydrangea Plant for urban settings. They have the unusual trait of tolerating air pollution more than other garden flowers. This, combined with the fact that they can be used in pots, makes them a top pick for suburban decks or city balconies. Many people like to use them in their fairy gardens.
When placed in a secluded part of the yard, they can become a terrific surprise for all that walk past. Their ornamental look is also great for use in planters as well as along pathways, and they are ideal when searching for a plant that can help control an eroding slope. The Hydrangea has a rapid growth rate with more than two feet of new growth each year. They quickly fill whatever space they are planted in.
This needs to be considered when placing them along with drives, walkways, or buildings. They eventually reach a mature height of 30 to 36 inches. This is tall enough to create a lovely backdrop to any flower garden, but still low enough to efficiently work into most landscaping projects around the house.
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