Did you know that nearly one in five American adults lives with a mental illness?
The stigma surrounding mental health is beginning to break down. However, it can still be frustrating to be hit with waves of depression and anxiety, even if you don’t live with a mental illness.
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to take care of your mental health on your own. So, how can you combat bad moods?
We’re here to fill you in. Keep reading below to learn seven things to do for an instant mood lift!
1. Improve Your Mood with Music
If your a fan of ballads, this may be a tricky feat. However, studies have found that listening to upbeat music can lead to a mood lift.
However, a variety of music can help to boost your mood. If ballads are what bring you happiness, crank up the volume!
Music therapy is used around the world with children and adults alike. Treat yourself to your own mini music therapy session by listening to your favorite upbeat playlist the next time you’re feeling down.
2. Use Natural Remedies for a Mood Lift
You don’t need to leave the comfort of your kitchen to improve your mood. It’s easy to keep your mood in check by building your own mini apothecary at home!
Natural remedies can give you the boost you need without relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms and habits.
CBD products have grown in popularity as a way to combat bad moods and anxiety. Products like CBD flowers can be cooked down into butter and oils and used to craft mood lifting foods. CBD is easier to purchase than you may think—you can buy organic CBD flower online in a snap.
St. John’s wort is another natural remedy that can help improve your mood. This herb is used to combat depression, and many people enjoy having it as a tea to soothe their nerves.
Lemon balm is another rejuvenating herbal you can take to lighten your spirits. It’s recommended to take in tincture form—either directly under your tongue or mixed into a beverage.
3. Disconnect from Social Media
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your Twitter feed, give your social media accounts a rest. Log out for a day or two to give your mind a chance to breathe and enjoy the world around you.
Social media is all-consuming at times. Many of us get a burst of happiness from “likes”, but it’s short-lived. If you need to seriously boost your mood, take a short social media hiatus and focus on your interests and hobbies instead.
4. Remember That Sleep Affects Mood
A lack of sleep can lead to irritability and anxiety. It’s important to try to get a healthy amount of sleep each night. Of course, that’s not always achievable.
If your mood is suffering due to a lack of sleep, make time for a quick nap. Naps, brief as they may be, can boost your energy and relieve anxiety and headaches.
Be sure to time your nap properly though. Napping for too long can actually make you more tired, as you won’t have time to complete a full sleep cycle. The best naps are typically around 10-20 minutes long.
However, you don’t need to be sleep deprived to reap the benefits of a nap. In fact, appetitive naps are naps taken just for the enjoyment of napping. If naps bring you happiness, take a power nap to lift your mood for the rest of the day.
5. Get a Mood Lift from Doing a Good Deed
There’s a reason that philanthropists and volunteer workings seem to have such a sunny outlook. Doing good deeds for others can give you a serious mood boost.
If you’re feeling low, reach out to someone who would appreciate some help. It could be a friend who’s having a tough day of their own or a stranger who would appreciate some support.
You don’t have to start your own charity to get a mood boost from completing a good deed. It can be as simple as sending a text of encouragement for a friend or prepping lunch for your partner.
6. Identify What’s Making You Unhappy
Sometimes the best way to get an instant mood lift is by pinpointing why exactly you need one in the first place!
It can be difficult to address your stressors, but it will benefit you in the long run. A great way to attack this problem is through writing.
If your unhappiness is due to an overwhelming schedule, jotting down a quick task list can help to lift your mood. Everything seems a lot more manageable when you can see it in front of you. Plus, who doesn’t feel a burst of happiness when they can finally cross something off their to-do list?
If you have a free five minutes, take a moment to pen a journal entry. Journaling can help you express your thoughts in a more cohesive manner. Once you’ve written them out, you’ll feel lighter and have a clearer mind.
7. Exercise to Lift Your Mood
Exercise is a great way to instantly lift your mood. Exercise gets the juices flowing and helps release chemicals like serotonin in the brain.
There are plenty of ways you can exercise in a pinch. If you have a 10-minute break, get outside for a quick jog or powerwalk. A guided meditation video or a quick yoga session is another great way to dispel anxiety.
Short on time? Doing stretches is another way to squeeze in exercise and improve your mood. Don’t forget that dancing to your favorite songs is another great way to sneak in some exercise.
Focusing on Yourself
Mental health is just as important as physical health. When you’re feeling low, it’s important to take time to give your brain the break and resources it needs to feel better.
A quick mood lift can be achieved, even if you only have five minutes to spare. With the list above, you’ll discover just how easy it is to lift your mood on a rough day.
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