When Girish Kumar Navani moved into his new flat he spoke to me about how he was determined to get his $1000 security deposit back at the end of his time there. This was quite a high deposit compared with what I have been charged in the past and Girish was so determined that he wouldn’t cause any problems which would result in the deposit being lost. Throughout the 2 years that Girish Navani was in the flat, he had more than a few close shaves, which cost him a little money but nothing too damaging. For anyone who has rented a flat before, you may be able to relate to this story.
Farewell Party
We had originally planned to have a farewell party for Girish inside his flat before he went, but he was determined that it wasn’t a good idea, because a party can mean damage to the property, something which he didn’t want at this late stage. And so we decided to have the party elsewhere in order to protect the flat and of course, the security deposit.
Lucky Break
A few months prior to this Girish Kumar Navani had a very lucky break when he dropped some flaming alcohol on the floor whilst cooking. In that moment he was completely convinced that the security deposit would be gone but when he put the fire out, he realized that all that had burned was the alcohol itself, rather than the flooring or the wall. This gave Girish Kumar Navani a bit of a fright and he vowed then to be extra cautious with what he was doing, especially as he planned to leave soon.
In the final week before he moved out the apartment complex where Girish Kumar Navani lived was having some plumbing work carried out and so water was switched off between the hours of 11 and 5 in the morning. On the Monday morning of his final week in the apartment Girish woke up to his dog going crazy, assuming there was someone at the door he got up, and put his foot straight in to water, about 3 inches of it. The water had flooded the house and when he checked to see what it was, he noticed that the bathroom tap was on. What had happened was that Girish turned the tap on the night before, realized that there was no water and then failed to turn the tap off again. The water came on at 5am and he was woken up by the dog at 615. The next few hours was spent getting rid of the water and then the following 4 days he had to rent a dehumidifier to dry the place out. The laminate flooring was ruined in many places which also had to be replaced and all told the repair cost him $950.
And so despite all of his efforts, Girish Kumar Navani ended up with just $50 of his security deposit back, all because of a water shortage, and then an abundance.
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