Now that we are well into the new year, chances are you have completely forgotten about your New Year’s resolution for 2019. Maybe you vowed to spend more time with the family or start reading nonfiction. But the most common resolution (and most abandoned) is to adopt healthier habits by eating better and exercising more.
It’s no surprise that most of us fall short on these resolutions around the middle of February. In January the gyms tend to be so crowded that it can be difficult to navigate through the treadmills and bench presses. But eventually we all fall back into our unhealthy habits and routines.
It can feel impossible to find motivation for the gym or healthy cooking. But guess what? It doesn’t need to be that hard! Here are 5 simple things you can do for improved health this year.
Drink water
When an interviewer asks a celebrity “What’s your top beauty secret?” they often answer with one word…. Water. Drinking plenty of water is one of the best – and easiest – things you can do for your health. Not only will it allow all of your bodily functions to run more smoothly, it will also keep your skin hydrated and flowing.
The easiest way to ensure a healthy water intake is by carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day. This way you are constantly reminded to drink, whereas without it you might not drink anything all day other than those 6 cups of coffee.
Hit the hay earlier than normal
Maybe this one is difficult for some people, but do your best to get a good night’s rest each evening. Not only will you feel more rested throughout the day, it will actually put you in a better mood. Studies have even shown that lack of sleep can lead to junk food cravings. In order to hit the hay early, try to avoid screen time at least one hour before bedtime.
Focus on improvement in some aspect of your life
During any interview you’ll probably be asked a question about personal weaknesses says job interview expert Jeff Gillis. Just like in an interview, you shouldn’t dodge this question in real life. We all have a weakness and it is important as human beings to try to improve ourselves. Evolving is essential, and not just for personal growth but also for our health!
Smile more! And floss your teeth…
Aside from drinking more H2O, this has to be the simplest thing you can do for better health. Research shows that people who smile often are generally in a better mood and less stressed out. So even when you don’t feel like it, do your best to show your pearly whites.
Try to be more social
People who see their friends and family members often are proven to have better health. Keeping strong social connections is essential; if you don’t you’ll feel isolated and alone in the world. Try every once in a while to catch a movie with a good friend or even set up a romantic date with your husband.
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