Summertime is here, so it means no more snowy roads and parks! Yes, you can finally dust off your flip-flops, summer dresses, and sandals.
To enjoy the sultry summer months, it is essential to stay safe. Too often, people enjoy the warm weather and forget about the dangers that can come with it.
That’s why we’re here to help explain how you can prevent summer accidents and what you can do to prepare for this coming outdoor fun season. Let’s look at some summer safety tips that will help you keep your family safe this summer.
Stay Cool and Hydrated
Start by making sure everyone stays hydrated. Keep water or sports drinks on hand and ensure everyone regularly drinks, even if you’re not thirsty. Avoid sugary drinks, alcohol, and caffeine, which can dehydrate you.
If you feel too hot, dizzy, or lightheaded, get inside or in the shade right away and drink some water. If you don’t start to feel better within a few minutes, call 911.
Lastly, never leave anyone in a parked car, as temperatures can rise to deadly levels quickly.
Protect Your Skin
The summer sun can be intense, so protecting your skin from harmful UV rays is essential. Wear sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, and reapply it every 2 hours. Here are some tips on buying good sunscreen.
Seek shade when possible, and wear protective clothing like hats and long-sleeved shirts.
Use Bug Spray and Keep an Eye Out for Ticks
Use an insect repellent containing DEET or another EPA-approved repellent when outdoors. Be sure to read and follow the instructions on the label.
Cover up as much as possible when you’re in areas where bugs are expected. Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and hats.
You should also check your body for ticks after you’ve been outdoors. Know where to find ticks by clicking here. Remove ticks promptly and correctly. See your healthcare provider if you develop a rash or fever after a tick bite.
Be Safe Around Water Areas
There are many ways to have a safe summer while enjoying the water, whether at the pool, the beach or in the backyard. Young children should always be supervised near any water. Teach them to swim safely and never leave them unattended.
It is essential to have a life jacket for everyone in the family and ensure everyone knows how to use it. Also, make sure everyone or most of your family members know how to swim.
Finally, be aware of the tides and currents when venturing the ocean.
Enjoy the Hot Season With These Summer Safety Tips
Now that you know some summer safety tips put them into practice to help keep your family safe all season long. Be sure to always have sunscreen on hand, drink lots of water, watch out for insects and take breaks in the shade to stay cool.
When swimming, always supervise children and never swim alone. Finally, remember to have fun and enjoy the summer sun!
We hope these tips for a safe summer were helpful. If you’d like to learn more, feel free to read more of our articles.
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