In modern society, it can be difficult to relate to elderly relatives. With technology increasing at alarming rates and opinions ever-changing, you might feel that your older relatives are “behind the times”.
However, while you might disagree with some of your grandma’s opinions or wish she knew how to use her laptop, it’s important to respect your elders. People are living for longer than ever, and a person’s age shouldn’t make them invisible. It might seem like an old-fashioned opinion, but respecting your elders is an important part of being a kind, caring and well-rounded person. So, why should you respect your elders?
They’re resilient
Many elderly people have the awful experience of seeing their loved ones die around them. They become desensitized to death, especially those who live in communities or nursing homes where there are lots of other elderly residents. Care staff often help prevent fatal injuries, but it’s an unfortunate fact that elderly people die in homes every day (how do nursing homes prevent falls? Click the link to find out). So, respect the fact that your elderly relative experiences a lot of grief. This makes them strong and resilient; an admirable quality.
They have great stories
Luckily, elderly people don’t just witness death. Throughout their lives, they have experienced all kinds of things that we can’t imagine. They’re from a different generation where times were different and this means that they have loads of cool stories. So, when your grandma starts telling you the good old times, instead of rolling your eyes and looking at your phone, listen. You could learn something fascinating.
They have different opinions
Ok, so you might struggle with your elderly relative’s opinions. Growing up in a different time means that they often have different views on the world. Some may seem dated or, at worst, offensive. However, while different views can be hard to hear, they help us to grow as people. It’s important not live in a bubble where everyone thinks and feels the same. You could end up having an interesting debate with your grandma and understand more about yourself, and her. The best outcome is that you educate each other and learn new things.
They’re family
Whether you like it or not, you’re related to your grandma and therefore she knows you. She’s family. And you should respect your family. While you might struggle to get on board with her opinions, she raised one of your parents and you wouldn’t be around without her. So, respect your elderly relatives for the role they played in bringing you into this world.
So, try harder. It might be easier to respect some elders more than others. But it’s important nonetheless.
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