Going to the spa is a relaxing, calming experience that many people frequently spend time doing thanks to the vast number of benefits that each treatment can supply. From leaving the skin with a fresh and youthful look to repairing damage and diminishing the look of damage and of scaring, the treatments one can try at a spa are limitless, especially if you know a little about each kind of treatment. However, not everyone knows about what a great spa will have to offer. If this is you, read on to discover the top three treatments you must know of before going to a spa for the first time.
The first one on the list is chemexfoliation, also known as a chemical peel or facial peel. This treatment works by applying a solution that contains weak acids that dissolve and pull away the dead skin from the face, leaving the new layer of skin behind. This treatment is excellent for bringing back that natural glow, as it simply exposes the fresher skin for you to see. As it pulls away the dead layer of skin, it can also take with it any fine lines or wrinkles caused by the build-up of skin, lessening the damage your face shows. This treatment is incredibly relaxing according to some medical spas in St Louis.
Microneedling sounds a lot more painful than the treatment actually is, often being reported as a very calming procedure by those who undertake it. Microneedling is the use of a series of small wounds below the surface of the skin, causing minimal damage to the top layer and no visible wounds, though perhaps some swelling. These wounds then promote the production of the healing protein collagen, which works to heal the skin. The excess produced by the number of holes mean that there is a lot of collagen now in the skin, bringing back the natural elasticity and look of the face, as well as diminishing the severity of sun damage, fine lines and acne scars.
Many issues that your face could have can be caused by having clogged pores or by having skin that is very dehydrated, causing it to shrivel and develop wrinkles. Thankfully, this can be solved with a treatment called microdermabrasion, a technique that works to clear the pores and rehydrate the skin. It does this by spraying on small crystals onto the surface of the skin that latches onto the natural oils and dirt that clogs your pores, then using a low-suction vacuum to pull the crystals back up, taking the dirt with them. The tool used is then run over the skin to spray a thin layer of moisturizer onto the skin to lock in that clean feel and to maintain skin hydration for the coming few weeks. This is a fantastic treatment for those who spend a lot of time outside and need their pores cleaned more than most, as it is incredibly calming, and is frequently recommended for those who are attending a spa for the first time.
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