If you are trying to sell your home but you aren’t getting the interest which you want, it may be that you need to take some steps to ensure that the property looks more attractive. This is a mistake that many sellers make and whilst some of the touches that you can make to the home won’t necessarily increase its value, they certainly will make it far more attractive to someone who is looking to buy. We spoke with mortgage lender and real estate expert Travis Cadman to find out exactly where people should be investing time and money, in order to make their home more salable.
A recent study found that many house hunters across the USA place beautiful gardens high up their list of desires when they are looking for a new home. No matter how much space you have at the front or the back, it will certainly be worth your while to spend some time tidying it up and making it look fresh and clean, with a touch of beauty. This is not to say that you should spend thousands on landscaping your garden, but you should look to spruce it up somewhat so that it is kind on the eye.
The one place that you should look to spend some money on is the kitchen and if you do it right then you will be able to make your property both more attractive and more valuable. If you are looking to sell right now then don’t invest in a brand new kitchen, simply update the tiles or the workbenches, replace the splash back and give those cupboards a lick of paint. Kitchens are something which buyers place heavy focus on and you need to make sure that yours is looking good.
At the very minimum you need to get the simple details around the home replaced and re-upped. These details include replacing light switches and plug sockets, adding new taps and painting the doors, including the front door. You may not think that these details mean very much but house hunters are making mental notes whilst they are viewing your property and the more things that they look at and realize that they need to change, adds a negative to their overall impression. The idea here is to come up with a kind of friendly fraud, which will keep the mind of the viewer far more positive, something which these details can help with.
You want to make a good impression on anyone who comes into the property and this is why you should always look to make sure that the entrance is looking great. As aforementioned get the front door repainted, add some flowers, make sure that there is nothing blocking the path and ensure that everything visible from the entrance is tidy and clean. Just a couple of hours spent on the entrance can make a huge difference.
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