Whether you are someone who enjoys the hot weather or someone who prefers being snuggled up by the fire during the winter seasons, it can sometimes be hard to stay cool during a heatwave or the summer season. While the summertime is the perfect opportunity to spend some time in the outdoors, enjoying BBQs and garden parties, it can also bring with it extreme heat, which can be dangerous if the correct precautions aren’t taken.
Getting too much sun exposure and being too hot can cause you to become dehydrated, lethargic, and could even lead to you suffering from heat exhaustion. This is why it is so important that you try and keep your home as cool as possible during the summer months so that you have somewhere to relax and chill out- literally! Keeping cool in the middle of the summer season or while caught in a heat wave can be a challenge, so to give you a helping hand, we have put together some of these top tips that can help you transform your home into a cool haven!
Keep the Curtains Closed
While this seems like a simple tip, it is one that many people aren’t aware of. Research has found that around 30 percent of all unwanted heat comes through your windows, so be sure to make the most out of your shades and blinds by keeping them closed throughout the day. This will help to keep the sun (and the heat) out of the room and improves your chances of staying cool indoors. It could help to lower the temperature in your home by a staggering 20 degrees, so it is well worth giving it a go!
Use an Ice Fan
Even though most of us have an electric fan that we get down from the attic ready for the summer months, to make it even cooler, you should place a bowl of ice cubes in front of the fan. This is effective because as the ice starts to evaporate, it will make the air that is coming out of the fan feel even cooler, giving you a refreshing breeze.
Dig Out the Hot Water Bottle… Yes Really!
Just because winter is over and the summer months are approaching, this doesn’t mean that you should pack your hot water bottle away just yet. In fact, your hot water bottle is a handy multi-seasonal item to have at home as they can be a lifesaver all year round. Simply fill the hot water bottle up with cold water and place it in the freezer. This means that you have your very own homemade ice pack on hand to cool you down when needed the most. If you find you are too hot during the night and are struggling to sleep, then you can pop it into bed with you to keep you cool.
Use Cotton Sheets
Just like you would be inclined to wear cotton clothing during the summer months, you should also swap your usual sheets for a cotton alternative. During the hot weather, it is advisable to avoid bed sheets that are satin or sleek as they can cling to you when you are hot, resulting in you being even hotter. If possible, you should also stick to light colored sheets as they will feel cooler for you to sleep in.
Avoid Warm Meals
If you are trying to keep your home cool during a hot summer, then you need to focus on keeping yourself cool at the same time. The temperature of the food and drink that you put into your body will have a considerable influence on how warm you are feeling. Therefore, you should avoid eating heavy and warm meals wherever possible. So, avoid turning on the stove and put the slow cooker away for a few months. Be sure to swap your roast dinner for a light and refreshing salad, and you could also enjoy some of your meals in the outdoors and make it al fresco!
Turn Off the Lights
Even the environmentally friendly light bulbs that are now available to buy give off heat, so if possible, you should turn off the lights in order to keep the rooms in your home that little bit cooler. Not only will turning the lights off where you can help to save you money on your energy and utility bills, but it also allows you to make the most out of the light provided by the sun; you’ll be grateful of this when the dark nights approach once again!
Get Air Conditioning
If you live in a part of the world that regularly endures long hot summers or is prone to unbearable heat waves, then you may want to consider investing in air conditioning. Getting central ac installation in your home means that you can relax and feel comfortable in your home no matter what the temperature is outside. If you are not sure where to start, consider The West Coast Heating Air Conditioning and Solar company, as they are a family run business that has over 30 years of experience in installing air conditioning systems in people’s homes. They are fully trained experts and have some of the latest models of systems available to buy. This San Diego based business has a long and established history of providing the best for its customers.
Sleep Downstairs
Even though this might sound a tad dramatic, if you are struggling to stay cool and chilled during the night while trying to sleep, then you should consider sleeping downstairs until the temperature drops. As most people know, heat rises, so no matter how cool you manage to keep your house on the bottom floor, the temperature will always be higher upstairs. So, if you live in a two-story house, then we would suggest setting up your bed on the ground floor temporarily.
By following these tips and advice that we have provided you with, you should be able to keep your home and yourself cool during the hot temperatures and be able to enjoy the good weather.
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