The type of flooring used in a commercial operation can have a direct impact on the profitability of the enterprise. Commercial flooring in environments such as warehousing and manufacturing concerns is exposed to a variety of external factors that can affect its longevity – and the requirements for maintenance can mean that costs can be both recurring and negatively affect the company’s return on investment when it comes to infrastructure costs. flooring in these environments is exposed to contaminants such as solvents, petroleum products and other harsh chemicals.
The requirement is that those floors remain in pristine condition, both for safety purposes and in order to ensure that operations are effective and provide shareholders with superior returns – as well as ensuring that customers are provided with levels of service that meet or exceed industry norms, in short they are essential to the proper functioning of the enterprise.
For many companies operating in the commercial environment Polyurea floors are simply the most logical and cost-effective solution.
Incredibly Tough
Whereas other types of flooring are susceptible to damage from chemicals, polyurea flooring is incredibly durable. In fact studies have shown that is up to 20x stronger and tougher than another popular commercial flooring choice – Epoxy. However, it’s not its ability to remain looking great when faced with the harsh chemicals, slats and solvents that are part and parcel of the commercial process that make it attractive – but also the fact that it is tremendously flexible. It is highly resistant to cracking and peeling.
It is also extremely abrasion resistant – and it will not yellow due to exposure to UV rays, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. The high gloss finish is also extremely attractive.
Low Maintenance
Whereas many other types of commercial flooring require regular polishing and buffing Polyurea flooring is extremely cost and time effective to maintain. It also will not show traffic patterns that are often caused by the equipment that is needed to move pallets and other commercial storage units.
Température Versatility
Many commercial flooring solutions can only be effectively applied when the temperature within the commercial structure is ideal. Polyurea flooring is different. Due to the fact that it can be applied at temperatures that vary between -30F and 140F (depending on the formulation) it can meet the requirements of the business no matter the time of year or exterior conditions. It starts to deliver that valued return on investment almost immediately – and in today’s ‘just-in-time’ commercial environment that can provide a distinct competitive advantage. The fact that the application process takes between 24 and 48 hours adds to the attractiveness of this flooring solution.
A commercial enterprise that requires a flooring solution that delivers value for money – and results in a decrease in maintenance costs should take a long hard look at the advantages of Polyurea flooring. It remains one of the most popular choices in these sorts of environments for good reason. It is difficult to ignore the superior return on investment that it offers a company operating in a highly competitive environment.
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