The average person spends 33 years in bed, with their backs cradled by their mattress. However, only about 78% of that goes toward being actually asleep. The rest (that’s seven years!) go toward trying to sleep.
If your mattress now sags or has too many lumps, though, then you likely spend more time tossing and turning in bed. So, in a way, your “defective” mattress may be behind your sleepless nights. Some studies do suggest that mattress quality affects sleep quality.
With that said, you have the option to buy a mattress online to replace your old, lumpy one. The question is, should you?
This post will take you through the pros and cons and steps on how to buy a mattress online, so be sure to read on!
Do You Even Need a New Mattress?
A study found that average consumers keep their mattresses for 9.5 years. The same study found that after replacing these mattresses, the participants slept better. The researchers also noted that new bedding systems reduced back discomfort.
With that said, your current mattress’s age is a solid indicator of when to replace it. If you’ve been sleeping on it for about nine years, then it may be a good time to get a new one. Otherwise, you may be at risk of body pains since your lumpy mattress can no longer support it properly.
Aside from age, here are a few other signs that it’s high time to replace your mattress.
Noisy Mattress
A creaky mattress may also need a replacement, as these sounds signal busted springs or coils. When these inner components wear out or even break, the mattress will sag. You can wake up feeling sore all over since your mattress doesn’t support your weight anymore.
You Get Rashes After Being in Bed
New mattresses weigh about 50 to 150 pounds on average. The smaller ones, such as the single and twin ones, weigh the least. The queen, king, and California mattress sizes weigh the most.
However, experts say that used mattresses can get even heavier over time due to dust mites. Studies found that used mattresses can harbor anywhere from 100,000 to 10 million mites. They won’t make a mattress double in weight, but they can still add to its mass.
Also, note that while these mites don’t bite, they can trigger allergic reactions. Indeed, an estimated 20 million people in the US live with dust mite allergies.
You Have a Hard Time Falling Asleep
You should also consider your mattress to be a potential culprit if it takes you forever to fall asleep. In medical sleep talk, “sleep latency” refers to the time you spend trying to fall asleep to being asleep. The normal range for adults is between 10 and 20 minutes.
Your mattress can extend your sleep latency if your body doesn’t feel comfortable in it. For instance, odd, hard spots in the bedding system can put excess pressure on your soft tissues. This may lead to discomfort, hence the difficulty in falling asleep.
Why Then Should You Buy a Mattress Online?
A 2015 post from Psychology Today pointed out that retail mattress prices come with a markup fee of 40% to 50%. So, a mattress that takes $500 to make, including part and labor costs, can sell for about $750. The higher the manufacturing costs are, the greater their retail markup fees.
These markup fees apply to most brick and mortar, considering their operating costs. From retail store space to electricity, all these are part of a mattress’s final sales price.
Many of these are expenditures that online mattress sellers get to avoid. For example, some of them sell their products straight from the factory to online buyers. This means that there’s no longer a middleman for them to employ or consign with.
With fewer overhead costs, online mattress merchants can afford to lower their prices. This means that you can save hundreds of dollars if you buy a mattress online.
Other Benefits of Purchasing a Mattress Online
It’s easier to find reviews for mattresses sold online than those in physical stores. Reputable online stores make it simpler for buyers to leave one, two, or even five out of five stars on their items. Shoppers are also free to rave or complain about the mattresses they bought online.
These are reviews you won’t find posted beside a mattress in a brick or mortar store.
When you decide to buy a mattress online, make sure you read not only one but several buyer assessments. Go through the first and check out this review for specific info, such as mattress firmness. Next, compare what you learned from this review with the others you find.
Pay particular attention to reviews that talk about “free sleep trials.” Many online mattresses have a free trial period, with some even letting you try them for 120 days!
Three months should be long enough to decide if the mattress is firm or soft enough for you. If you’re unhappy with it, you can return it to the online seller or replace it with another model.
Free sleep trials are also available from brick and mortar stores, but they’re not that common. Moreover, these “offers” often come with return or restocking fees.
Speaking of “extra fees,” some reputable online mattress stores offer free shipping. This applies to product returns, too, including those offered with free sleep trials. On the other hand, some brick and mortar sellers charge delivery fees.
When It May Be Best to Buy a Mattress From a Physical Store
If you don’t find a “mattress in a box” appealing, a brick and mortar store may be your better option. Visiting a showroom allows you to see mattresses in their actual form and figure. You can sit, lie, or test their firmness and bounciness right on the spot.
Buying a mattress from a physical store also means you can take one home with you on the same day. Most mattress retailers also offer same-day delivery, provided that your home is nearby.
Online mattress stores offer fast shipping, but you may still have to wait a few days for your purchase. So, if you need a mattress tonight or tomorrow night, then go with a brick and mortar seller.
The Final Choice Is up to You
At the end of the day, you should buy a mattress online or “offline” based on your personal needs. However, if you can afford to wait and would like to save hundreds, buy one online. If you need a new mattress as soon as possible, though, then a physical retail store may be a better option.
In either case, make sure you go with a mattress that comes with a free sleep trial.
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