Replacing the windows in your home is a functional update that adds value to your home, with vinyl replacement windows having an 85% return on investment. Still, windows can be an expensive update to make in your home.
One way you can save money is by learning how to do some of the replacement tasks on your own. Do you want to learn how to measure windows for replacement?
Keep reading this quick window replacement guide for everything you need to know about measuring windows for replacement!
Check for Square
When you are measuring your windows for window replacement or repair, the first thing you need to do is measure your window to see if the existing window frame is square. If it is, each of the corners of your frame will be perfect 90-degree angles.
If your window is not square, it will be lopsided and more difficult to find a window that will fit. If you install a window in a frame that is not square, it may make it difficult or impossible to open your new window once it has been installed.
Checking to see if your window is square is easy. First, you can take a diagonal measurement from the bottom right corner of your window to inside the upper left corner of your windows, where the horizontal and vertical trim meets.
Then, you can take the same measurement in the opposite direction. If the measurements are different by 1/4 inch or less, then your window is relatively square and will not have any issues when you install a new window.
If the measurements are too far off, you might need to get a new-construction window with a new frame, or a custom window to perfectly fit the space.
Measure Horizontally for Width
Once you have determined if your window is completely square, you can measure the width of your window. This can be done by taking a horizontal measurement from one side of your window frame to the other side of the frame.
This will give you the measurement for the rough opening width of your window. Make sure you write your measurements down so you don’t forget the exact size of your window!
When measuring the width of your windows, make sure you measure between the surface for the jams. If you take your measurements from the trims trips of your old window, you may accidentally buy a window that is too large to fit in the space.
Measure Vertically for Height
Once you have measured the width of your window, you can measure the height of your window. Simply measure the distance from the top of the frame to the bottom of your window frame.
This can be difficult to do if your window sill is sloped. In these cases, you can measure from the highest point of the window sill to ensure that your replacement window will not be too small for the space.
Measure Window Depth
Next, you must measure the depth of your window’s opening. Finding the correct depth for your new window is essential, as windows that are too deep will not fit into your opening.
To measure the depth of your window, you can measure from the outside of the window frame to the inside. You can easily measure this with a measuring tape or ruler when you open your window.
If your windows cannot be opened, you can still measure the depth. Simply measure the depth on each side of the windowpane, then add the thickness of the glass to your measurements. Most glass window panes are about 3mm in thickness, so you can use this measurement if you don’t know how thick your windowpane is.
Take Multiple Measurements
When you are measuring your windows for replacement, you must take multiple measurements for the height, width, and depth of your windows. This is because your windows may be slightly misshapen or crooked, which will make it hard to get an accurate measurement of your windows.
To be safe, you should take at least three measurements for each part of your window, the height, width, and depth.
If the measurements are not the same, you should always choose the smallest measurement out of the three. This way, your replacement window will be more likely to fit snuggly into the space without any gaps.
Round Down the Numbers
If your measurements are all the same, it is still important that you round your numbers down when you measure for a replacement window. First, you can take the shortest measurement from each area of your window.
Then, you must round them down to the nearest 1/8 of an inch. This way, you can account for mistakes and wrong measurements when you get your replacement numbers.
Once you have rounded down the numbers, you will know the size of the window you need to replace your old windows.
Learn How to Measure Windows for Replacement Today
Getting replacement windows is an expensive investment for your home, so you cannot afford to make costly mistakes. By learning how to measure windows for replacement properly, you will get the right sized replacement windows and you can save time and money on your new investment!
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