The EZ-Flo system is now considered a great option for so many gardeners from around the world. We are looking at a wonderful way to take advantage of the current irrigation system to automatically add precise fertilizer doses at the exact time the plants need it. At the same time, the EZ Flo fertilizing system is very easy to install. All that is really necessary is to follow some precise steps:
First you need to turn off your irrigation system. Release line pressure by opening irrigation valves.
Then you need to cut the irrigation pipe and remove an area that is suitable for installation of the EZ-Flo system. You need some room to be able to add CBV connections.
Installing the EZ-Flo system comes next.
After the installation is over, the water has to be turned backed on.
Fertilizer is added to the EZ-Flo system. Then, air is purged and the system is primed.
Why Use The EZ Flo Fertilizing System?
As you can so easily notice, installing the EZ-Flo system is incredibly simple. However, this does not mean people will automatically use it just because of that. Unfortunately, there are still so many that do not actually understand the advantages associated with these systems. Some of the main benefits that you do need to know more about include:
There is substantially less labor needed because of the fact that you use an irrigation system to spread fertilizer.
Chemical burn possibility is reduced to zero.
You end up saving up to 30 percent of the water you would normally use through regular fertilizer spreading systems.
Water efficiency is increased.
The amount of fertilizer you use goes down by up to 90%, leading to saving a lot of money on the long run.
The absorption rate we see with EZ-Flo is 90%, which is so much more than 20 percent we see with the granular fertilizers.
Do You Need Help Installing EZ-Flo?
As you read through the installation indications mentioned above it surely became quite clear that it is incredibly easy to properly install the EZ-Flo. However, this does not mean every single homeowner out there will be able to install the system. You do need some experience with irrigation systems and how to modify them for a proper installation. While the data you need to install can even be received as you buy the EZ-Flo filtration system, you might have problems.
If you have any doubt about installing EZ-Flo, the best thing you can do is to contact a professional. In most cases an experienced plumber will have absolutely no problems in helping you out. Even so, remember that the plumber will not dictate the actual use of the system. After the EZ-Flo is installed, it is up to you to add the right amount of fertilizer and you should be careful about maintenance tasks needed. Have patience and read all that you can about the system. Then, you will definitely appreciate the huge advantages that are associated with them.
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