There are few pieces of furniture as iconic as an Eames style chair.
A face of the iconic mid-century modern aesthetic, the Eames chair has effected the design world and left a mark on home decor and style.
Eames chairs are notoriously expensive, but due to their craftsmanship and beauty, the price is justified.
If you are scouting out an Eames chair, or have one in your home, here are the ways to spot if your chair is real or fake.
Analyze the Measurements
Known for its comfort and luxurious design, the original Eames Lounge Chair is one of the unique and most well-known pieces of furniture with the Eames name.
Due to being so sought after, this chair is bound to have replicas. However, the original Eames Lounge Chair will have precise measurements, so if yours is not this size, the likelihood of it being legitimate is pretty far.
An authentic Eames Lounge Chair will measure 32 inches from the floor to the head of the chair. Those that are copies tend to be bulkier, with various inch differences sometimes in the upwards of 10 inches taller or more extensive.
An original Eames Lounge Chair will also have about 15 inches of space between the floor and the front seat edge. Some replicas may share this same measurement, so you must measure the whole piece before making a final verdict.
Lastly, the length between the arms is precisely 32.5 inches, so if yours does not have this precise measurement, it is unlikely that it is legitimate.
Check for Shells
The shells on an authentic Eames chair will always be in three places, which are on the seat, backrest, and the headrest. These shells are necessarily wood sections that make up the chair and have no screws exposed.
Additionally, the construction of the chair is a telltale sign of its authenticity. The original Eames chair will have only five layers of plywood in the development of the shells, where a modern one has seven layers.
These shells illustrate the chair’s craftsmanship and durability, further pointing to its high-quality production and longterm useability.
The Price is Right
Modern and vintage Eames chairs range from $5,000-$6,500.
Though you may gasp at the price, these chairs are coveted in the art world and interior design community for their quality and style. Also, they are pretty darn comfortable.
Most Eames replicas sell for about $1,200-$1,500. If it sounds too good to be true, it is because it probably is. These replicas do not have the same quality present in authentic Eames chairs, and you still pay over a grand for a fraud.
Eames chairs are an investment piece, and they enhance your home by being incredibly stylish while also functional and comfortable. If you want an Eames chair, look at the price, and always purchase from a respectable seller.
How to Know if Your Eames Style Chair is Legit
Between measurements, construction, and price, you can decipher whether or not your Eames style chair is legit.
Additionally, if you are looking at purchasing one, keep these factors in mind to make sure you are getting the real thing.
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