When everything in your house is working perfectly, it’s easy to forget that they can be broken by wear and tear. Sometimes, you forget about it long enough that it causes big problems you can no longer fix with duct tape and ends up costing you more than you can afford. But there are certain preventive measures that you can take so that those problems don’t happen to you, and one of those is regular checkups.
This is a practice that not many homeowners do, but it is something they should do to prevent problems in the long run. Think of your house like a person’s body that should be treated with care and taken to the doctor for regular checkups to ensure that every part is working fine. Or like a car that has to be fine-tuned every so often.
There are so many measures done to other things for maintenance, but why are houses only checked when there’s a problem that arises? Be a responsible homeowner and practice falling into the habit of doing regular checkups on your house’s components, particularly in these three important aspects:
The Kitchen
A fully functioning kitchen is vital to any household because people cannot live without food. And sooner or later, people who live on take-outs will get tired of them too. So a properly working kitchen is important, and therefore, cannot be taken for granted.
To take preventive measures inside your kitchen, you can make a routine out of checking your sink, drain, and pipes monthly. Set a day when you check if none of your pipes are leaking or if your drainage system can dispose of waste properly. While you’re doing those tasks, run by your stove, oven, and gas lines to check if they don’t have leaks as well.
Doing all these extra steps towards accident prevention can lessen the chances of having kitchen fires because of gas leaks or a flooded floor because of broken pipes. You know what they say, “Prevention is better than cure,” and in this case, it really is.
The Bathroom
Whether you spend a lot of time in the bathroom or not, you still have to ensure that all aspects of your bathroom are working perfectly. Allotting some time to check up on your bathroom pipes and waterworks cuts the chances of leaky faucets and clogged toilets in the future. Think about it, wouldn’t you rather be spending more time on your tasks for the day instead of unclogging the toilet all afternoon? It’s your choice.
And no one wants to shower in ice-cold water when you could be having a warm and relaxing bath. In this case, you would need to have your water heater fixed by an expert because it’s not something you could do on your own. Proper maintenance of all these aspects of the bathroom may seem like a lot of work, but it can give you ample time before you have to call someone to service them.
The Rest of Your House
For the other parts of your house, some of the most common issues that you have to look out for are loose electrical wiring that can short circuit and cause a power outage, pests eating away at your house’s foundation, or door jambs that rust and break. And keep your eye out for things that can go awry at the most unexpected times.
To take preventive measures to another level, you can keep spares for things that can easily be replaced and a toolbox for minor repairs. Every house owner should at least know the basics of repairing leaking faucets or clogged pipes. But if worse comes to worst, have a handyman’s or plumber’s contact number at arm’s length.
Of course, even the most extreme preventive measures can fall short when something unexpected happens. So be kind to yourself when you’re caught in a situation like that because there is literally nothing you could have done to prevent it.
That being said, there is nothing wrong with taking precautionary measures and doing regular house checkups to ensure that your house is in perfect condition. Besides, wouldn’t you rather have a spotless home that is in pristine condition than a house that is falling apart at the seams?
So set a schedule for checkups and stick to it like a routine. After a few months of practicing to instill this habit, you might find yourself doing it from muscle memory, like clockwork.
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