Did you know that you could feed 200 million people with the amount of food destroyed by rodents each year? They also harbor and spread more than 200 different human pathogens.
Besides rodents, insect pests cause terrible waste. For example, termites damage $5 billion in property annually. And 56 percent of homeowners have had ant problems in the past year.
To top this off, 99.6 percent of pest professionals report having treated bed bugs last year. Is your skin crawling yet?
When it comes to pest control, it’s more than a convenience. If you put off dealing with rodents or insects, you could see significant damage to your residence or even your health.
Here are 15 DIY ways to start fighting back now, whether you’re dealing with mice or miller moths.
1. Coffee Grounds
Ah, there’s nothing like the smell of freshly ground coffee first thing in the morning! You might be surprised to realize that not all animal kingdom members hold this sentiment, however.
Pests aren’t big fans of coffee. For some, like ants, the grounds can even prove fatal. How can you harness this knowledge to put an end to unwanted critters?
Utilize recycled coffee grounds to remove pests from your home. It’s as simple as placing the grounds where you think bugs may be entering your home. Before you know it, those nasty black lines of ant invaders will disappear.
2. Borax and Sugar
What’s another excellent way to deal with ants? Try the Borax and sugar trick.
Start by mixing up 2 tablespoons of Borax, 1/2 cup of sugar, and 1 cup of hot water. When placed where ants will find and consume it, you have an instant solution for these unwanted guests.
There’s a caveat, though. It can prove harmful or toxic if ingested by pets or small children. So, make sure you keep it away from your loved ones. For example, keep it in your fridge in a glass container marked “ANT BAIT” that’s out of reach of little hands.
Some DIYers have reported needing to add a bit more Borax to the mix for the best results. Don’t be afraid to adjust levels as required. This remedy also works well with cockroaches.
3. Garlic-Mint Spray
Are insects devouring the plants in your garden? Have you run out of ideas when it comes to pest control? If so, this next tip is for you.
To bring an end to the plant carnage, create a mixture of garlic and mint. Put it in a spray bottle and cover your plants in this highly effective pest deterrent.
Blend garlic cloves and mint leaves in a food processor. Top this off with a drop of liquid dish soap and some cayenne pepper. Bring the entire mixture to a boil and then let it cool overnight.
Strain the liquid and add it to a spray bottle. Then, start dousing your plants. You’ll be amazed by the formula’s effectiveness and its ability to keep your garden or yard pest-free.
4. Hot Pepper Spray
Here’s another DIY pest remedy that comes with significant results. Begin by mixing 3 tablespoons of hot pepper flakes in one gallon of water. If you’d prefer to use fresh peppers, you can do that, too. We recommend using 10 chopped peppers.
Of the fresh varieties we’ve experimented with, cayenne performs the best. Before chopping the peppers, be sure to put on a pair of plastic gloves to avoid burning hands for hours. And be careful not to rub your eyes!
Once you’ve added the peppers to the water, simmer it in a pan for 12-16 minutes. Let the mixture cool for 24 hours before straining it. Add a little dish soap to ensure it remains adhered to your plants. Then, carefully add it to a spray bottle.
Voilà! You’ve got a “hot” DIY pest control method with proven results!
5. Oil Repellant
Do dust mites plague your abode? If so, you’re far from alone. These pesky critters are fantastic at infesting homes, so you need an effective solution to drive them from your premises.
The answer? Dust mite oil repellant.
How does it work? Grab some essential oil and start mixing. You can use any of the following:
- Eucalyptus
- Clove
- Lavender
- Rosemary
- Peppermint
Mix your oil of choice in a spray bottle of water and lightly mist your bed. Let the spray air dry. Not only will it make your bedroom smell refreshing, but it’ll let dust mites know it’s time to pack up and leave.
Dust mites detest these scents and will scramble when bombarded by them. And if you need an even heavier duty solution? Combine lemongrass and basil.
You’ll be relieved to know this mixture repels not only dust mites but also lice and fleas.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar remains a real DIY godsend. It’s excellent for cleaning houses and even comes with health benefits when added to water.
So, it may not surprise you that this multi-tasking liquid also makes for an excellent pest control weapon for flies. To get started, you’ll need a container with a funnel or shaker shaped top.
That way, the flies will get in but can’t escape again. Then, set the trap. Fill the bottom of the container with apple cider vinegar and chopped apple pieces. The fragrance will be too much to resist and will draw houseflies like crazy to your trap.
7. Basil
While flies love apple cider vinegar’s smell mixed with apples, they’re not so keen on basil. The nuisances can’t stand this herb’s scent.
To keep them out of your house, place basil plants near windowsills and doorways. Add a plant to your kitchen countertop for good measure.
What if you’re not a massive fan of keeping live basil plants? Dried basil also does the trick. Just fill a small muslin pouch with the crushed leaves.
Remember to rub it occasionally to keep the scent robust. Then, sit back and watch the flies disappear.
8. Citrus Juice
There’s nothing like the smell of citrus to signify your home is fresh and clean. What you might not know, though, is that spiders detest the smell of citrus.
Use this to your advantage by mixing water and unsweetened lime or lemon juice in a spray bottle. Then, spray it around the house to keep spiders at bay.
We also recommend wiping down your counters with this solution and spraying doorsills and windows to keep arachnids on the run. You can even scatter slices of citrus in your garden.
9. Banana Peels
There’s not a gardener on the planet who hasn’t waged war against aphids. These pesky green insects love to suck the life, literally, out of your plants. But you don’t have to let this happen anymore.
Best of all, you’ll need one simple item, banana peels. How does it work?
Place chopped banana peels under the soil line around each of your plant’s stems. It’ll drive aphids away while providing your soil with much-needed nutrients.
10. Aluminum Foil
This next trick might leave your garden looking a bit Space Agey, but it works well in a jiffy. If the aphids are out of control, try placing tin foil around the base of each plant.
As sunlight reflects off the foil, it chases aphids from the undersides of your plants’ leaves. Just don’t leave the foil there for too long. Otherwise, it could singe the tender leaves of your crops.
11. Dish Soap
Are you tired of fruit flies swarming you every time you go near your kitchen sink? These minuscule creatures can wreak mayhem. Fortunately, there’s a simple solution to ending their reign of terror.
Grab a bottle of liquid dish soap and some vinegar. Then, create a solution by filling a cup three-quarters full with vinegar. Add to these six to eight drops of dish soap, and top it off with warm water.
Before you know it, fruit flies will be a thing of the past. For tougher infestations, turn to the folks at Pest Control Eagle for answers. They offer the best pest control solutions on the market.
12. Fake Nest
Nobody wants a backyard filled with wasps. But they prove a resilient property invader, willing to put up a nasty fight.
What to do? Buy the wasp equivalent of a scarecrow, a fake nest.
Why does this work? Because wasps are very territorial. They won’t build a nest within 20 yards of a competitor. Stick a fake nest in the front and one in the back and call it good.
13. Soapy Water and Light
Miller moth invasions are no fun. While they can occur anywhere, rural areas can suffer from whole swarms of them. And believe us, the last thing you want in your house are moths en masse.
But you can set an irresistible trap for them. How? Grab a large bowl and fill it three-quarters of the way to the top while adding a few dish soap drops.
Set this bowl up about five to six inches beneath a light source. The light will attract the moths, which will inadvertently fly into the water and drown.
14. Egg Repellant
It’s worth remembering that not all pests come in tiny insect packages. Some, like deer, are downright large. As a result, they can rapidly ravage the plants in your yard, from your garden to your landscaping.
To keep ungulates away from your well-maintained yard, stir up a mixture of 80 percent water and 20 percent fresh eggs. Place this in a spray bottle and start spraying your trees, bushes, flowers, and garden plants.
Since the egg mixture can clog the sprayer, you may need to clear it a few times.
15. Bar of Soap
What’s another surefire method for keeping deer at bay? Hang or stake a bar of soap near any plants they may currently be noshing on.
A brand like Irish Spring works well. Remember that soap shavings also work wonders.
DIY Pest Control That Works
The DIY pest control remedies above will help you take back your home, backyard, and garden. After all, one uninvited guest is one too many. Of course, more entrenched infestations may require professional pest control to resolve the problem.
Looking for more tips to make your home more comfortable? Browse our blog now for the hacks you need to lead your best life.
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