Besides the struggle of staying hydrated, summers always toss our way a challenge called ‘beat the heat’. And let’s admit that not all of us can get pass through this challenge successfully. The result is heat ridden nights, scorching mornings, and sweating days. While air conditioner might be the solution for some to escape from sleepless night or fidgeting during the day, not everyone can afford it. Even those who have air conditioner can’t run it 24/7 as nobody likes to get broke by paying heavy electricity bills.
Then what to do when the temperature soars to 40 degrees Celsius – face near-death experience due to heat or break the bank? Well, nothing is acceptable! So, here are some life-saving tips to keep your home cool during summers to save the peace of mind, mood, and pocket burning from the heat:
Use Natural Light:
Do you know a 100-watt bulb has the potential to increase the heat by 8-10 degrees per hour? And just imagine how much heat you gather by illuminating so many bulbs? So, it is better to take advantage of natural daylight instead of using bulbs. Less the number of bulbs and tube lights illuminated in your home, the better it is.
Insulate the Windows:
During winters, windows might be the best things to let warm sun rays enter your home, but they become big trouble during the summers. They can become a gateway to let sun rays unapologetically enter you home and turn it into a living hell. So, you should insulate your windows by any possible means to save your home from getting heated. Use curtains, shutters, protective film, or select blinds to insulate your windows.
Manage Cooking Timing:
You must have observed your home temperature drastically rises the moment you burn the stove. And it takes some time to cool down house after switching off the stove burner. Though you can’t stop eating during summers (despite that you feel doing it sometimes!), but you can definitely manage your cooking timing.
You can cook the meal during the night time or cook outside by putting a portable stove under the patio. And if you still need to cook inside during the day, then use the grill, microwave or electric cooking pots to prevent setting your home on sweltering heat.
Go Green:
Among so many reasons why environmentalists pay so much emphasis on the plantation, one of the reasons is its ability to keep the surroundings cool. Grow trees in front of your home and window. They will prevent sun rays from entering your window or heating your walls. Moreover, the evapotranspiration process of the plant during which they breathe out oxygen and water vapors also cools down the air. Trees and plants need some time to grow, but things get pretty good once they grow enough to give shade and cover your windows.
Beating the heat during summers might be a difficult challenge, but you can win it with these tricks to some extent!
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