Few things can kill your home environment than poor air quality. Not only will you experience adverse health effects in the long-term, but the guests you entertain will also be exposed to the problems and may find it difficult to breathe normally in your home.
Use this quick guide to expose and learn how to fix seven common problems that could be causing the poor air quality in your home.
1. Poor Combustion Venting
One of the most common reasons for poor air quality that most people don’t know about are pollutants that are created from combustion. This combustion may occur in your furnace or boiler used to heat up air or water in your home. To fix this issue, ensure that ventilation from the furnace or boiler is properly filtered and blocked appropriately using only the best furnace filters.
2. Mold Growth
Depending on the type of mold in your home, you could experience severe air quality problems that could easily lead to long-term chronic breathing issues. Mold growth is prone to occur in areas behind air vents and wherever excess moisture exists. Check those prone areas for mold growth if you suspect it as a reason for your poor air quality.
3. Dirty Air Filters
Another common reason for poor air quality is dirty air filters. Thankfully, this is a very easy problem to fix. Simply trash the dirty air filter from your HVAC system, or use a damp cloth to wipe it down and clean it. Either way, you should be back up and running in no more than a few minutes!
4. Radon Gas
Radon gas is a highly radioactive and poisonous gas that is emitted by soil. If your crawlspace is not properly encapsulated or insulated, then you could easily be letting radon gas seep up through the floorboards into your home. If you suspect radon to be an issue, you’ll have to get your air professional tested to tell if that’s the case.
5. Secondhand Smoke
There’s no doubt that you already know of the dangers of secondhand smoke to those who breathe it in. But you may not realize that this is one of the reasons for your air quality issues.
If you live in a townhome or apartment next to a consistent smoker, then there’s a strong chance that the fumes they expunge make their way into your ventilation system. Figure out how to block that smoke from coming in.
6. Dust
If you live in a particularly dry area or somewhere that a lot of construction is happening, then you could see a lot of dust accumulate whenever you leave your windows open to air the place out. The solution is to dust regularly and thoroughly.
7. Cockroaches
These pesky little pests are not only unsightly, but also release allergens in their fecal matter that can cause asthmatic issues. Call the exterminator if you see even a single solitary cockroach in your area, or your lungs may pay the price.
Poor Air Quality Should Be a Thing of the Past
Now that you have this knowledge under your belt, poor air quality should quickly become a thing of the past in your home.
For more home improvement advice, be sure to check out the rest of the articles on the website!
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