There are numerous benefits of having flowers in our homes, so it comes as no surprise why there are so many flower stores in Dubai.
It is known that flowers with their soothing colors positively affect our mood and remove stress.
Furthermore, small particles of dust and various toxic substances from the air stick to the leaves. Thus, flowers make the air we breathe healthier.
However, the flowers are not there just to make our lives more beautiful. Flowers are also living beings that require attention and care.
Therefore, when buying flowers, we need to know how much time we can dedicate to it.
Some flowers demand special treatment, and you should buy such flowers only if you have enough time to take good care of it.
Otherwise, opt for flower species that demand less attention.
You can inquire about the conditions of growing flowers in any flower store before you make a purchase.
To help you see what we are talking about, we have prepared a list of 5 types of flowers that are easy to grow and 5 types of flowers that are quite demanding.
Let us take a look at those flowers.
Flowers that Require Special Care
1. Cyclamen
Cyclamen is a bright flower, which gives every space a touch of serenity.
Cyclamen are suitable for places with a lot of light and temperatures between 13 and 18 degrees Celsius.
Theses flowers require a special watering treatment. Water it only when the flowers begin to wither, by keeping them in water for about 10 minutes.
You’ll need to “feed” your cyclamen with appropriate flower food every three weeks.
2. Orchid
This beautiful flower is offered by almost every flower store in Dubai. And for orchids to survive in your home, you need to take good care of them.
The soil in the pot must always be moist, never dry. The place where the orchids are placed must not be exposed to direct sunlight, but it must be very bright.
Feed the orchids once a month with a “food” intended for flowering plants.
3. African Violet
African violet is one of the most popular houseplants. There are about 4,000 different species of African violet. They thrive in dark places, but it should be watered frequently.
4. Anthurium
Like the orchid, the anthurium requires bright spots that are not directly exposed to sunlight.
The temperature of the room where the anthurium is located must not be less than 15 degrees.
For the successful cultivation of anthurium, it is necessary to regularly wipe its leaves, only with a damp cloth.
5. Ehmeja
Ehmeja likes high temperatures and grows best when the temperature is higher than 30 degrees.
However, it does not like direct exposure to the sun, so you need to choose its place in your home carefully.
You should spray its leaves every day, and once a week, you should pour water directly into the flower pot.
Flowers that are Easy to Grow
1. Sansevieria
Sansevieria is a flower that is characterized by its fleshy, long, and erect leaves.
It is very easy to grow at home. It can grow both in bright and dark places.
It doesn’t like moisture, so you don’t have to worry if it is placed near a radiator.
2. Dracaena
Dracaena is a trendy decorative plant with its reddish or green leaves. It can last a very long time home conditions.
It does not require any special care. As long as it is in a bright room and the soil in the pot is not dry, dracaena will be just fine. During the winter, watering should be reduced.
3. Ficus Benjamina
Ficus is a flower with a recognizable appearance that can often be found as a decorative plant in many homes.
For the successful cultivation of ficus, it is essential to know two things.
First, this flower loves moisture and warm places. Second, ficus grows best in partial shade and does not like to be moved, so once you choose a place, do not change it.
4. Philodendron
Philodendron is one of the most resistant houseplants. It is not demanding at all when it comes to growing conditions.
As long as the room temperature of above 15 degrees Celsius and there is enough humidity, a Philodendron will be fine.
The only thing needed is to “feed” it and wipe its leaves with a damp cloth once a week.
5. Cactus
Cactus is a plant that provides countless possibilities for decoration. As it does not require much care, it is often seen in many homes.
You can find many different types of cacti in flower stores.
Whichever you choose, be sure to place it in a bright place within your home and water it only when the soil in the flower pot is completely dry.
Now that you know something about the conditions for growing various flowers, we hope that you will find it easier to decide which flower is right for you.
If you need more information, we believe the following link will be helpful:
A Few More Benefits of Flowers in the House
Flowers will make the rooms in your home look more beautiful and improve your emotional state and encourage creativity.
So, don’t wait another minute, but go to the nearest flower shop and buy yourself at least one of the mentioned flowers. You deserve it.
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