Do you know someone with varicose veins? They often look incredibly painful and can make people feel awfully self-conscious about their legs. Varicose veins are often found on the thighs, on the front and backs of the calves and also near the ankles and feet. These veins can appear twisted under the skin and often bulge, creating lumps and swelling under the skin.
For some women, their varicose veins don’t cause them any discomfort, they’re more of an aesthetic issue which has a severe impact on their confidence. Unfortunately, for other sufferers, varicose veins cause extreme discomfort, swelling and a constant throbbing sensation which, over time can be extremely debilitating and impact their quality of life.
Women who struggle with their varicose veins, whether aesthetically or physically are encouraged to seek medical advice and speak with a certified vascular surgeon. Much like the experts you’ll find at TX Vein.
As varicose veins are caused by blood flow issues and pressure in the veins due to a backflow of blood, it means that discomfort and swelling as the veins begin to grow and swell under the skin is likely. These kinds of issues should always be discussed with a board-certified vascular surgeon.
So, who is most at risk from varicose veins? Read on to find out more.
There is a family history
If someone in your family has suffered from varicose veins, it means you’re also likely to develop them too. As varicose veins are caused by issues with the valves and flaps in your vascular system, these kinds of issues are often hereditary. Speak with a vein expert as soon as possible to discuss possible treatment options.
You spend extended time sitting or standing
Most of us lead very inactive lives. And when you’re sat down for hours at a time barely moving, your heart has to work harder to get your blood pumping down through your legs and back up again. Working against gravity like this can make developing varicose veins much more likely. This also applies if you spend extended periods standing.
You’re overweight
If you’re already overweight or obese, then you’re probably aware of the extra strain your vascular system is under. When you’re overweight, your heart must work incredibly hard to pump your blood around your body and back to your heart – this kind of effort can cause immense pressure and make your veins more prone to bleeding.
You’re pregnant
When you’re expecting a baby, your body has to compensate for the additional blood supply that your unborn child needs. Your uterus will also put pressure on your vascular system which can make varicose veins much more likely. In many cases, varicose veins can fade after the baby is born, however, in some cases, they don’t and instead, continue to cause problems.
You’re getting older
As you get older, your body gets weaker and that includes your veins. As you get older your veins are more prone to leakages, and you may find varicose veins being to develop.
Final thoughts…
If you’re concerned about your varicose veins, speak with an expert as soon as possible.
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