Good dental health is something most people take for granted until there’s a problem.
And yet keeping your teeth white and bright is as important as any other aspect of your lifestyle. This is especially true for children. After all, dental care for your child is the best way to ensure that they continue to have healthy teeth as they get older.
But how early should parents start worrying about proper dental care for children? That’s a great question and you’ve come to the right place for answers. Here we take a look at children’s dentistry and how soon in a child’s life parents should schedule their first dental appointment. Keep reading to learn more.
How Soon Is Too Soon?
When it comes to the importance of children’s dentistry, there’s really no such thing as too soon. In fact, proper dental hygiene for an infant begins when they get their first tooth.
Seriously? Yes! Staying on top of your child’s dental health from the very first months of life is the best way to ensure they have a bright and happy smile.
Now let’s take a look at each step in proper child dental care as they grow.
The First Thirty-Six Months
The best approach to dental care for your child is to schedule their first appointment before their first birthday. To keep her teeth healthy from 6 to 12 months, avoid sugary snacks and drinks, including juices, as much as possible.
Be sure to brush their teeth twice a day with a soft toothbrush and a tiny bit of toothpaste with fluoride. And if your child breaks a tooth during the first year, take her to the dentist right away for emergency care.
When you’re ready to schedule your child’s first appointment, be sure to check out this dental office.
Three to Six Years of Age
During the first six years of age, limiting sugary snacks and drinks is one of the best ways to promote proper dental health.
When your child reaches the age of 3, go ahead and increase the amount of toothpaste, but only slightly. And at this age, it’s a good idea to continue brushing their teeth for them.
Six to Twelve Years of Age
During these years of life, focus on making sure that your child brushes and flosses her teeth multiple times each day, especially after breakfast and before bed. Pay attention to loose teeth and schedule dental appointments at least once a year.
A Guide to Dental Care for Children
There’s no denying that being a parent isn’t easy, especially when it comes to keeping your children as healthy and happy as possible. Fortunately, this guide to dental care for children will help ensure the quality of your child’s dental hygiene.
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