The thyroid is one of the most important glands in the body. It performs various functions related to energy production, metabolism and even your perceived mood. Unfortunately, there can be times when the thyroid fails to function properly. It is currently estimated that more than 12 percent of Americans will encounter an issue with their thyroid at least once during their lives.
This is when the power of a thyroid test comes into play. What conditions is this type of test used to detect? How can it help to treat problems with your thyroid. Both of these are important questions, so let us have a closer look.
A Basic Overview of Thyroid Tests
These tests are often referred to as thyroid function fests. There are four examinations which a doctor may choose to perform:
- T3
- T3RU
- T4
Each of these acronyms is used to identify a specific type of hormone produced within the thyroid gland. If levels of one or more are not balanced, the chances are high that a thyroid issue exists.
Testing for Two Main Conditions
In the event that the chemicals mentioned above are imbalanced, two common conditions may occur. Producing too much of T3 (triiodothyronine) or T4 (throxine) results in an overactive thyroid. This is known as hyperthyroidism. In the event that too little of these hormones are produced, the thyroid becomes sluggish and has difficulty meeting the needs of the body. This condition is referred to as hypothyroidism.
In the majority of cases, a doctor will first perform a test to detect the presence of TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) within your bloodstream. In the event that the results are abnormal or inconclusive, more detailed tests will be performed (such as determining levels of T3 and T4). The main goal is to narrow down the exact issue so that a proper diagnosis can be made.
Testing for the Presence of Antibodies
Many thyroid problems result from autoimmune disorders such as Graves’ Disease. So, a doctor may also order blood tests in order to determine if your body is producing too many antibodies that may be impacting the function of your thyroid gland. Keep in mind that Graves’ Disease is one of the most common causes of hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid).
Thyroid tests are used to understand if an underlying problem exists. If one happens to be found, numerous treatment options are available. While prescription medications can be taken, there are other times when natural forms of thyroid hormones may produce excellent results. A supplement known as Armour Thyroid is a perfect example.
So, you might now be wondering “Where can I buy Armour Thyroid?“. It is always wise to use a reputable online pharmacy in order to ensure that the correct product is selected. Of course, be sure to speak with your doctor if you suspect that a problem with your thyroid may exist. Modern medicine is able to provide a host of solutions.
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