It is indeed an interesting idea to use Viagra to up-game your performance on the bed even when you don’t have erectile dysfunction. Maintaining a smooth erection that lasts longer can come to some men as an advantage to please their women. This obviously covers up for the obstacles faced by the millennial men due to smoking hazards, boozing or having performance anxiety. And the fact that some medicine can aid your performance on bed – becomes a resolute to being the best when it is about sex!
But to split out the truth – that is not the case! Viagra is indeed a trademark for the drug Sildenafil pills which has been developed by scientists with years of research and analysis. Since its inception in the market, 1998, it has been one of the drugs to promote healthy erections but for the people facing erectile dysfunction, soft erections or inability to hold erections.
So, what might come as a recreational use has more potential of damage than estimated!
Using Viagra recreationally – is it fair?
Viagra (Sildenafil) is a drug that is prescribed by the doctors for treating erectile dysfunction. It is not available without a prescription and is mainly targeted to curing a serious medical problem. Merely using it for you, when the body is able to derive healthy erections, will eventually lead to more damage than benefits.
What might seem, in the beginning, as a solution to the rare failure to get erections would soon transform into a habit of performing only when you are on a pill. This disturbs the body ability to perform on its own. Soon enough the body shall start depending on the pills for getting erections. And the day when you aren’t on your pills – getting a hard on will be the last thing to expect!
So, in a way, using viagra recreationally is in fact inducing erectile dysfunction!
Un-prescribed Viagra for recreational use
As already stated, viagra pills for men is available over the counter only when the person holds a viable prescription from a certified doctor. As it is not meant for recreational use, the doctors aren’t supposed to prescribe it to people without any medical disability noted.
But if we account the statistics, majority of the sale that happens is illegal. People procure the drug from one source or the other. The most relevant source is the online market. Today there are online pharmacies which sell medications without the need of prescriptions making it easier for people to buy and use the drugs without proper consultation.
The other most important driving factor here is the ignorant pharmacies that don’t demand prescription from people before selling the drug to them.
Dangers of using Viagra or other ED drugs recreationally!
Procuring the drugs from unreliable source is as harmful as using it without a consultation from a doctor. As 77% of the market for cheapest viagra today deals in fake and contaminated drugs, it is highly likely that the packet you bring is a fake one.
Additionally, there are a lot of side-effects related to not just the Sildenafil but other ED drugs as well. While a doctor best prescribes the medicine taking into account the possible side-effects to individuals, the recreational use has no addressing of the side-effects.
- Headache
- Nausea
- Dizziness
- Indigestion
- Sleeping disorder
- Muscle and back pain
- Vision and hearing loss
- Bleeding nose
Unapproved use of Viagra
Responsible use of ED drugs is important to save from health hazards. There have been thousands of cases where the undue dosage of this medicine has led to people losing their lives. This calls for attention here: “Viagra is beneficial – but in recommended doses only”.
If you have been using cheap viagra 100mg for recreational purposes within limits, chances are that you are spared from the more serious health hazards like heart attack, nervous breakdown, penis inflammation etc. But note that any excessive content of the drug in the body can lead to anytime body dysfunction causing death.
Doctors provide for dosage based on the needs of the person to stay on minimal drug and experience quality erections. And this is done by advising the dosage low to understand the effects and start the treatment safely. While there is no law binding the approved or unapproved use of Sildenafil – it is crucial to understand the responsibility towards your own health to best evaluate the use!
The Bottom Line!
100mg viagra, the blue pill, has been used my men recreationally for fighting with their sexual anxiety, lifestyle problems and perform better on the bed. But this recreational use can be a lot harmful given the side-effects that come along with irresponsible use of the drug.
Using the drug without any need of it medically is much like inviting the disability to get erections without the medicines. It is best to avoid the drug as long as an absolute need for it is established.
Sex is about enjoying the intimacy in a relationship naturally – it shouldn’t be spoiled with any need to be better at it! (Especially with the drugs)
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