One perk of being young is you hardly ever worry about a body part failing you. When you’re young, you’re very agile and full of life but as you grow older, some things begin to change. One of these changes may leads to erectile dysfunction or impotence that affects a subset of men mostly in their 40s and above. Men with erectile dysfunction find it hard to perform in bed as they normally should.
There are so many factors that could lead to erectile dysfunction. In this article, we would look at some of them and also how massage therapy can help treat this condition. Make sure to read it carefully so you don’t miss out on anything important.
What is Erectile Dysfunction?
For a man to be able to have sex effectively, the penis needs to stay erect during sexual intercourse. When there’s a problem sustaining a good erection, the individual can be said to have erectile dysfunction or ED. If assumptions rise to this level, it is best to have an online consultation check-up for your erectile dysfunction and how to treat it as soon as possible. If you fall into this category, you are not alone as ED affects over 30 million men worldwide.
It is perfectly normal to have routine erectile failures during sex, perhaps due to stress or lack of interest. Where this becomes a problem is when it occurs regularly and starts affecting your sexual life. By this, we mean the individual is not able to get an erection frequently. You can also visit this link: to see how stress could affect your libido.
ED can be caused by a number of factors; we would shed light on some of them below:
Causes of Erectile Dysfunction
There are so many things that could lead to ED. This is why when you go to see your doctor concerning this problem, they would most likely quiz you on your activities over the past months. The reason is that they want to narrow down possible causes. Below we will look at such risk factors that make a man liable to get erectile dysfunction.
If you paid attention in biology class, you would know that blood needs to flow into the penis to keep it upright. This is the problem with overweight individuals, they suffer from clogged arteries and a heart struggling to pump blood through a longer path. You can see how this strains blood flow, thereby causing erectile dysfunction. People in this category also have reduced testosterone levels which is essential for good erectile conditions.
High Blood Pressure
We don’t need to go into details on what this is, the name is quite self-explanatory. Blood vessels are meant to receive blood at a stable pace and an abnormal blood pressure poses a threat to the arteries and the heart. People with this condition will find out that their arteries narrow over time due to damage in the lining of the blood vessels. This can hinder the blood flow happening in the penis thereby causing erectile dysfunction.
Atherosclerosis build-up has long been established to be caused by smoking. While this is not a sole causative agent, it is a major contributor. Atherosclerosis can obstruct blood flow in the artery over time. You can watch this video for more information on how smoking could clog your artery.
Other causes could include:
- Diabetes
- Parkinson’s disease
- Chronic kidney disease
- Prostate Cancer
It can also be a side effect of medications like:
- Sedatives and painkillers
- Drugs for Ulcer
- Medications that manage blood pressure
- Drugs that suppress a person’s appetite
Why is Massage Therapy Useful for Treating Erectile Dysfunction?
While there are many remedies for treating erectile dysfunction, massage therapy has been found to be more favored by a lot of men around the world. One of the reasons is that you do not need to take any pills or undergo any operation for this treatment. So, what is the premise behind this exercise?
Since the major determinant of ED is the restriction of blood flow, massage therapy aims to stimulate the tissues and blood vessels located in the penis to increase the blood flow.
One of these methods is called Jelging. It is performed by stretching the penis in a series of patterns to clear up the blood vessels from any obstruction. If we were to take it down to a microscopic level, we would find out that Jelging creates small tears in the tissues in the penis. While this massage for erectile dysfunction is useful in clearing the blood vessels in men, it is believed to be mainly used in elongating the length of the penis.
Another form of massage therapy focuses on a particular duct in the body called the prostatic duct. By stimulating it, we’re able to remove blocked fluid and also halt the progress of possible infections. The process of prostatic massage might not be pleasant to everyone. Here’s how it is done. A well-lubricated glove is needed for easy access, and it is put on by the practitioner and a finger is put in the rectum of the patient and used to massage the duct.
You can see how these two forms of massage therapy focus on providing different solutions for erectile dysfunction. Jelging focuses more on improving the length of the penis even though it can still provide positive results in clearing up the blood vessel. While prostatic massage focuses more on clearing out fluids in the prostate duct which could hinder performance in bed.
Final Thoughts
So far, we’ve tried to establish how massage therapy can help with erectile dysfunction. Even though there are other methods, this provides a medication-free solution. We strongly discourage the practice of the above therapy methods by yourself as you could end up causing harm to your body. Therefore, it is advised to employ the service of a professional massage therapist.
Ensure you perform proper research before settling on any therapist. Ask around and get reviews from people. Remember that word of mouth is an efficient way of filtering out scams from the real deal.
Also consider checking online forums that discuss topics like this.
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