As we get older, we can start noticing that our brains are not as sharp as they once were. However, there are a few ways that we can start to preserve our memory and prevent cognitive decline. Obviously, if an individual was already showing signs of brain degeneration or was to sustain frontal lobe damage, they would need more support medically.
These tips would be beneficial, though, to anyone who is otherwise in good general health and looking to improve their memory and boost their mind in a few easy ways:
It is well documented that exercise helps to boost mental well-being across all age groups. Even just 15 minutes of exercise a day can improve memory and cognitive function, so it is a great way to preserve your mind.
Another way that staying active contributes to a healthy mind is by preventing diseases that can contribute to memory loss, such as strokes, diabetes, and high blood pressure. So, it is well worth introducing even a short burst of exercise to your daily life to keep your mind sharp.
Be sociable
Being around others and being stimulated with conversation and company keeps the brain alive. The more social interactions a person has, the more their mind will stay focused and prevent memory loss.
Being lonely is linked to depression and that can cause memory problems and even dementia. So, joining clubs and groups, getting hobbies and even just engaging in conversation with strangers when out and about can help boost your mind.
Get enough sleep
Sleep is one of the most important things that our body needs. Its restorative qualities, health benefits and impact on our mood are all huge factors.
There have been many studies, however, focusing specifically on the impact that sleep has on the memory and it has been found that whether it is in a professional setting or not, the amount of sleep a person has significantly affected their memory.
In the same way that sleep plays a big part in protecting our memory, stress plays an equally large role. Therefore, meditation can help to rewire the brain to enable it to retain more information both short and long-term.
Meditation helps to improve concentration and learning, sharpening focus and improving memory. Whether it is referred to through mindfulness or yoga, training your mind to be clearer and calmer is greatly beneficial to significantly improving memory.
Eat carefully
Choosing the right foods can go a long way to protecting your memory. Anti-inflammatory foods that are rich in antioxidants are scientifically proven to enhance the mind and can be found in most fruit and vegetables.
For this reason, a Mediterranean diet has been praised as being a super healthy, brain-boosting diet. Lots of berries and other foods filled with antioxidants are the backbone of this colorful diet – but for more foods to help prevent memory loss, check out this list here.
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