Cannabis oil, or CBD oil as it’s more commonly called, is an alternative medicine that has made a huge impact on a variety of medical conditions in recent years. Cannabis oil works well on pain conditions such as arthritis, injuries, muscle pain, nerve damage, and other similar medical conditions. CBD oil also works well for some conditions that cause seizures.
A variety of scientific studies are confirming that cannabis or CBD oil works well for treating anxiety and some forms of depression as well. More research is being done to see just how CBD oil treats various medical ailments and how it can improve or hamper the quality of life for those who are choosing to use it.
According to research, there are a variety of benefits and side effects of using Cannabis oil or CBD oil. You can now go to a lot of Cannabis dispensaries to go choose the type of Cannabis oils you desire and they can help you make the decisions easier. Here are some of the more common ones that research has come up with.
As far back as 2900 BC cannabis, in one way, shape, or form, has been used to treat a variety of ailments. Of course, back then they didn’t fully understand how cannabis oil worked, they just knew that it worked. It works by binding with the body’s naturally occurring cannabidiol receptors in the brain and enhancing their ability to allow a person to not feel pain so intensely.
Cannabis oil also helps to reduce inflammation, which can, in turn, help to reduce and ease pain as injuries aren’t so swollen or pressing against nerves that can cause a lot of pain.
No doctors prescription is required to use cannabis oil so it’s easier to get when needed than many other medications that are on the market today. Thus, if a person is suffering from a swollen muscle or tender joints they can use the cannabis oil (available in a variety of forms, from oils and tinctures to vape juices and even pot edibles) to ease their pain without having to take time out to go see a doctor and then get a prescription filled.
By working on the nervous system, cannabis oil can also help to reduce and alleviate anxiety and depression. More people than ever before are being diagnosed with anxiety and depression and cannabis oil is on the forefront of medical research as a means to help these people ease their symptoms and get their lives back on track.
Since cannabis oil is a non-addictive medication it’s considered to be safe than benzodiazepines which can be addictive and cause a person to want more and more to see results. It doesn’t cause any cognitive impairment and it’s legal in all 50 states. It improves the serotonin levels in the brain and will help to stabilize moods that are up and down from anxiety and depression.
Some research is showing promising that cannabis oil can help to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and cancer-related treatments. It may also help to reduce tumors by shrinking them or eradicating them entirely.
Thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties, cannabis oil may also help to reduce acne breakouts on the surface of the skin. It can also help to reduce excess oils from being secreted by the pores which in turn can reduce the incidence of acne.
Studies show that it may be helpful in treating heart conditions by improving the circulatory system, reducing high blood pressure and stabilizing other symptoms that may contribute to heart issues.
Cannabis oil may also help to stabilize blood sugars in diabetes patients which can help to reduce their need for insulin.
Side Effects
For most people, cannabis oil is well tolerated. It rarely has any side effects as regular pharmaceutical medications do. However, in a rare few, it may cause some of the following side effects.
If this occurs, try taking a smaller dose and see if that doesn’t help to alleviate the condition.
Interaction With Other Medications
Just as with any other medication, be sure to tell your doctor that you’re using cannabis oil along with any pharmaceutical medications or over the counter medications. There are a few that may interact with cannabis oil and cause you some discomfort or other medical issues including overdosing on your regular pharmaceuticals due to the enhancement of their activity.
Some people report fatigue when they first begin cannabis oil. Again, always start with the smallest dose possible and work your way up.
Cannabis oil has been in use longer than any of us have been alive and today’s research shows that there are many great reasons to consider adding cannabis oil to your medication list. Ask your doctor if you’re on other medications before you begin trying cannabis oil to treat your medical condition.
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