Have you ever felt like you took too long to heal after an oral surgical procedure? If so, it might be because your wound lacks the essential elements to accelerate your wound-healing process. Healing faster, especially after oral surgery, is an indication that you have a minimal infection risk. Additionally, a fast healing wound minimizes your chances of developing post-op dental complications. One of the treatments your dentist will likely recommend includes Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF). Sunnyvale PRF treatment entails extracting the substance (PRF) from your blood platelets and using it in a holistic approach to accelerate wound healing.
What is Platelet Rich Fibrin?
Your blood has four primary components- red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma, and platelets. Platelets help clot your blood, thus initiating your healing process after an injury. In the concentration of your blood platelets, your dentist harvests PRF, which he might use after a dental procedure to facilitate healing and minimize inflammation risks.
One of PRF’s primary advantages is that your healthcare provider does not alter your blood. Instead, the medical professional separates your blood into plasma layers, fibrin clot (which contains your platelets) and red blood cells. After the separation in a centrifuge, your doctor takes the fibrin clot and uses it to create a membrane which he places over your treatment site. Since there is no altering your blood’s biochemistry, your healing process continues naturally.
Therefore, your dentist may use PRF to minimize tissue swelling, accelerating healing in soft and hard tissues.
How does the treatment accelerate healing?
Once your doctor places the fibrin clot on your treatment area, it accelerates the release of essential growth factors that support your cells and helps them to regenerate. The procedure might be ideal during gum surgery to stop or reverse gum disease. As a result, PRF helps minimize your downtime and also enables you to attain better dental health.
What are the benefits of PRF in dentistry?
The formation of the fibrin membrane helps revive the release of growth factors that play a significant role in wound healing. As a result accelerates the healing process by facilitating tissue regeneration, minimizing swelling and inflammation, and preventing bacterial, fungal, and other infections from slowing down your healing. PRF might be an ideal treatment if you are an elderly dental patient with low risks. The process not only accelerates your healing process. It also helps the wound heal more effectively than if you let it heal independently.
PRF has a wide range of benefits in dentistry. For instance, the treatment helps:
· Enhance gum volume
· Heal mucosal margins
· Minimize bone inflammation (osteitis)
· Prevent the bone defects you are likely to have after an oral cancer surgery
· Restore peri-implant bone
· Preserve alveolar ridge
· Enhance your mouth’s health by generating new bone and accelerating healing of periodontal conditions
Fast healing is a remarkable value every dental patient has, especially after a dental procedure. The faster you heal after an oral surgical procedure, the more minimal your risks are of developing an infection or a severe complication. Contact your dentist to know how you can benefit from PRF therapy and if it might be an ideal treatment for your unique dental needs.
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