Muscle pain is a very common form of pain and sensation that is felt throughout if occurs, since our body is made up of more than 600 muscles. This pain can be caused because of overworked muscles but there can also be other reasons of feeling pain in muscles. If not looked after, this pain can exceed and cause freezing of a certain body part.
After strenuous physical exercise, muscle pain can occur during a duration of 24-48 hours and result in soreness, cramps, fatigue and uneasiness. Other than that there is another type of muscle pain that might be serious and needs professional attention.
Over-exertion of muscles is a very common cause of muscle pain. Athletes usually face muscle pain in the form of soreness, cramps and in extreme cases, spasms and muscle tears. Spasms is a severe kind of muscle stiffness.
There is also a very common term called “pulling of muscle.” This happens when someone moves their muscle wrongly causing a strain. Wrong exercise, postures and stress can also induce muscle pain.
Symptoms of muscle pain
Since our body has nerves that signal messages from the brain to different parts of the body and vice versa, so when there is something wrong with the muscles that is causing pain, the nerves send messages to the brain and the symptoms are recognized. Mostly, the pain is felt in the arms, legs, shoulders and abdomen.
The symptoms can differ from person to person depending on the severity of the pain and physical tolerance. Some people feel high intensity pains which can be unbearable at times. For people with higher endurance levels, numbness occurs and they hardly feel anything. This is also the case with diabetic patients who have high glucose levels in their body and usually do not feel pains until they are of an extreme level.
There is also another term used for explaining bodily pain, which is pins and needles. People who suffer from muscle pain feel as if someone is inserting needles and sharp objects into their bodies.
Others observe extreme uneasiness where there is discomfort and pain in lifting up their body parts for example their arm. Swelling and muscle stiffness can also be a part of the symptoms.
How to get rid of muscle pain
Apart from minor muscle pain, there is a high chance of a serious condition and if the pain continues, check-up with the doctor becomes a must. Appropriate treatment and cure becomes mandatory because without the movement of muscles, a human being cannot survive.
For the soreness of muscles, resting up and naturally trying to relax muscles is important. Applying heat can also be effective but does not work every time.
For muscle stiffness, heat spray as well as muscle relaxants are recommended. It is preferred to use natural muscle relaxants like kratom powder that contains multiple biological compounds and amazing alkaloids like mitragynine and 7hydroxymitragynine which serve to relax the muscles and generate a happy feeling overall, relieving the person from pain. The best part is that it does not contain any side effect and can be taken in various forms like teas, powder, tablets and tinctures.
If the body is going through muscle pain due to an injury, then cold pack is applied at that specific area and then rest is prescribed. Use of painkillers is also promoted because there is fear of tissue damage.
All these methods are for minor and infrequent occurrences of muscle pain. It is vital to listen to the body and not repeatedly use these methods if the pain does not go away. Needless to say, not every muscle pain is insignificant and at times, can be very serious and critical.
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