Fibroids is a condition that affects most women during their childbearing years. You may not experience any symptoms of growth in your uterus, however, certain conditions like pelvic pain and heavy menstrual bleeding may indicate fibroids in your uterus. You can visit your doctor at Contemporary Women’s Care for diagnosis and treatment of your fibroids.
What are fibroids?
Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in your uterine walls. Fibroids or myomas can vary in size from undetectably small to large enough that they may cause bulging in your lower abdomen. There are different types of fibroids, for example:
Subserosal fibroids which grow on the outside of your uterus
Intramural fibroids. This type of growth develops within the muscular wall of your uterus and may grow more prominent, causing a stretch in your womb.
Pedunculated fibroids contain stem-like support used to attach the growth to the uterine wall.
Submucosal fibroids grow inside the myometrium of your uterus.
If you have fibroids, you may exhibit symptoms that include:
· Heavy and prolonged menstrual bleeding
· Pelvic pain
· Low hemoglobin level which may result in anemia
· Frequent urination
· Pain during sexual intercourse
· Lower back pain
· Spotting between your periods
Diagnosis and treatment for fibroids
Your doctor may diagnose you before offering treatment using various imaging tests that include:
Ultrasound. Your technician will gently move a transducer on your abdomen to get a view of the fibroids in your uterus.
Hysterosonography. Your doctor will use sterile saline to increase the size of your uterus, making it easier to get images of submucosal fibroids in your womb.
Magnetic resonance imaging. This test is more detailed. Your doctor may use an MRI test to establish the size, location, and type of fibroids.
Hysterosalpingography. During this test, your specialist may use dye to highlight your uterine cavity for distinction on X-ray images.
Hysteroscopy. Your doctor will insert a telescope inside your uterus through your cervix and inject saline to expand your uterus, making it possible for your doctor to evaluate your uterus lining.
There are different treatment methods that your doctor may use, including medications and surgery. Medicines only shrink your fibroids and may not entirely remove the growth. Examples of the drugs your doctor may prescribe are:
Tranexamic acid will reduce heavy bleeding during your periods
Progestin-releasing intrauterine device. Your doctor may recommend this hormonal treatment to relieve bleeding caused by growth in your uterus.
Your doctor may suggest the use of specific procedures to reduce the size of your fibroids, for example:
Radiofrequency ablation. This process involves the use of radiofrequency energy to shrink your uterine fibroids.
Uterine artery embolization. Your doctor will inject embolic agents in arteries supplying blood to your fibroids, causing shrinkage.
Hysterectomy. This is a major surgery where your surgeon will remove your uterus. This treatment method offers a permanent solution for uterine growth. You will, however, not be able to bear children after this procedure.
Laparoscopic or robotic myomectomy. During this procedure, your doctor will surgically remove fibroids and leave your uterus in place.
It is essential to care for your reproductive health. Book a session with your health specialist at Contemporary Women’s Care to get treatment for fibroids to improve your overall well-being.
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