Borrowing money or skipping meals to afford your prescriptions?
You’re not alone. Nearly 40% of Americans have admitted to skipping a prescription refill due to cost.
If you’re struggling to pay rising medication costs, you might consider purchasing them online. For beginners, this can be fraught with risk. Read our guide below to learn how to buy medications safely online.
Consult Your Doctor
Before purchasing any form of supplement or medication, you should always consult your doctor. This goes for online purchases too.
Your doctor can inform you of potential drug interactions based on the medications you already take. He or she will know your specific health needs and can recommend what to buy or avoid. If you’re new at purchasing medications online, your doctor can help you navigate the process.
Don’t self diagnose. Taking the wrong medication can lead to serious health complications.
Choose Respected Websites And Brands
Online medication scams are all over the internet. You’ll want to do your research on the best websites and brands before you buy.
Your physician can recommend well-respected websites as a good start. Customer reviews can also tip you off to dangerous sites and products.
Be careful. Online pharmacies can make tempting but false claims. Make sure the homepage contains sufficient medical research, contact information, and verification measures.
Check Product Labels
Even if you’ve read dozens of consumer reviews and triple-checked the website, the product itself might contain the wrong dosage or harmful chemicals.
Review the list of ingredients and cross-check them online. Has the FDA recalled any? What’s the expiration date?
Always question the claims made on the product bottle or website. Exaggerated statements like “massive weight loss” or “super cleanse” can be warning signs. Your supplement or medication should have a certification from one or more organizations like NSF International.
Shop for Discounts
While steep discounts can be a sign of fake medication, you should still search for the best deals.
Compare several websites and look for coupons. Buying straight from the brand retailer will cost you more, but be wary of buying medicine from third parties on Amazon and eBay.
The bottom line: take your time researching to get the best deals while preventing scams.
Recognize Fraud
By now, you’ve read a lot about medication scams. But, how do you tell when the site you want to buy from is fraudulent?
Miracle drugs, sites promoting only one product, and exaggerated claims can all be signs of medication fraud. The FDA offers a few warning signs on health scams.
The surest way to buy medications safely is by purchasing from a well-known brand with good reviews and ingredients you’ve checked with your doctor.
How To Buy Medications Safely
Shop savvy and safe.
When it comes to online medications, always assume a position of healthy skepticism. You don’t want to end up sinking your money into harmful products. Take your time, do your research, and you’ll be able to buy medications safely and receive amazing deals.
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