Did you know that gut bacteria is linked to anxiety and even depression? In fact, your entire body works together for a healthy body and mind.
First, what is gut bacteria? It is bugs in your digestive tract that can actually cause anxiety. Does this mean that psychobiotics are the new trend for mental health? It could be the answer we all have been looking for. Of course, if you are experiencing any signs of anxiety or depression, you should visit an anxiety therapist in Phoenix.
Tips to Eating Healthy to Decrease Anxiety
Eating processed foods and taking antibiotics on a regular basis can cause a leaky gut. This can cause joint pain, migraines, anxiety, and depression.
A leaky gut is when there are small tears in the intestinal lining, which causes toxins to be released in the bloodstream. So, what can you do?
Pay attention to the communication between your gut and brain. Boost your mood by putting the right foods into your body. Foods that are rich in nutrients and vitamins, the things your body needs for healthy communication to your brain!
Foods to Eat and Foods to Avoid
Try to say no to sugar, alcohol, and caffeine. Start by detoxing for 30 days to reset your system. There are no nutritional benefits to developing bad habits and you could become addicted to sweets, alcohol, and caffeine. So, try to limit your consumption as much as possible.
Try to stick to eating healthy foods like fish. Fish is a great source of Omegas and is an anti-inflammatory. It is best to add wild caught fish to your diet like Salmon and Alaskan Cod.
Also, eat colorful foods. It is suggested to eat the rainbow! Fill your plate with vegetables and fruits of all colors of the rainbow-like red apples, green broccoli, and yellow carrots.
Spinach is also a great addition to your diet since it is full of vitamins.
All of these things are healthy for your gut, causing a good relationship with your brain, and eliminating gut bacteria. And it all starts with paying attention to what you are putting in your body.
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